[Infinity Series] Dungeon+ Pack PBR

Register at http://www.InfinityPBR.com and get your first package for just $25!
* New “Sewer” Pieces
* Upgraded Procedural Materials to my latest version
* “Copy This To That” editor script – will allow you to take a palate of base textures and quickly copy any of them to all of the dungeon pieces at once.
* “Mass Exporter” Editor script (see below) that’ll let you export all the Procedural Materials into Standard Shader Materials at once.
* Single “Exporter” script that lets you make smaller changes to a base material, and quickly, with one click, export new versions, all saved exactly where you want it. Will include a material set for game use if it’s a final texture.
* New “Base Material Generators”
* Colliders on all prefabs.
*** I can’t stress how much of an amazing update this is. I’m busy making demo scenes and “Texture Customization” scenes. In the end you’ll have a few pallet objects with up to 16 base materials each. Just type the material name you want to copy from, the section on the objects you want to copy to, click the button and they’ll all be updated at once. Then click the “Mass Export” button, and when Unity is done processing, you’ll have a 100% completely customized dungeon texture set. Hopefully I’ll be done with the update in the next day or two.***

Here’s the latest “Material Generator”. While I’m calling it “Brick Wall” for now, it’s really much much more. Literally – and I’m not kidding – it can be used to create millions of looks.

Dungeon+ Pack PBR
Asset store link:


Check out my (simple) Tutorial Series featuring the Dungeon+ Package!
Top-Down/3rd Person Locomotion & Combat Tutorial Series

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2nd Work in Progress video

Tutorial for how to export custom textures.

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Beautiful work.



Really great work :slight_smile: Stunning.

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I’ll be submitting this to the store tomorrow I think. It’ll start off at an insanely reduced price, so I can get feedback & reviews. I’ll be looking to find out what objects you guys (specifically those who actually get it) want, and I’ll focus on those for updates.

As I update, the price will go up, eventually to $99 (or more, but $99 is a decent stop).

The package will come with over 100 base materials, plus many more using material generators. Kind of insane. For those who like customization and building, holy crap you’ll like this.


Package will ship with over 100 base materials, almost all of which can be modified, some can be modified drastically to make dozens of unique looks. These are all from Substance Share, included under their EULA and can be used in your commercial projects. The vast majority (with “SFB_” at the start of the name), I’ve modified, most to include more customization options, and some to clean up or improve on the original design.


Package has been submitted to the asset store for approval!

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Is this going to be out soon?

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Soon, yes! There was some question of how best to package it all – the file size is extremely high when all the demo files are included. Fortunately I live close to the San Francisco Unity office, where many of the asset store people work, so I was able to meet with them and we came to a consensus on how best to package it all together. Once I finish doing that, I’ll resubmit to the store and it probably won’t take long to get it approved.

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Awesome, thanks!

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Can’t wait to get my hands on that with VTP :slight_smile: Stunning work :slight_smile: