Game Jolt - Achievements for Unity Games

Hey guys,

CROS from Game Jolt here. Just wanted to let you know that we’ve been busy at work on a new tool for game developers: achievements (trophies, highscores, etc).

The goal is to create an achievements system that works with as many platforms as possible while still being extremely easy to use. We currently just launched it as a closed beta and are looking for some interested devs to test the system out and write tools to work with it. If any of you guys would be interested in having trophies in Unity, I could spend some time writing up some code for it. This would be for browser based games, as well as downloadables, possibly even mobile as well.

There’s some more information, as well as information on how to get into the closed beta, here:

What do you guys think? Anyone interested in this?

You’ve got an e-mail from me :smile:

Got some people willing to work with the system.

Would anyone be willing to work with me to build a plugin to work with the API for Unity? It’d required some HTTP calls an MD5/SHA-1 hash and then just parsing some JSON data.