HDRP Water Shader Graph (Github link)

Hey all! :slight_smile:

I’ve put together a shader graph (and a sub-graph) I’ve been using for our game and uploaded it to github for free usage. Feel free to download and use however you wish. There’s still work to be done but I thought it might be useful.

It’s easy enough to control and there’s a crude demonstration video too.

Github: GitHub - flamacore/UnityHDRPSimpleWater: Simple water shader prepared with ShaderGraph in Unity 2018.3.6


Looks great! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Thank you

Thank you! I have to say that it doesn’t work on 2019.1.
It’s completely transparent and the waves are sharp and weird. Can you help make that work again? It looks great

can you please give short advice(or better for Unity Newbies) how to use in Unity 2019.2. I cant get it to work :frowning:

Hey sorry for the late responses but unfortunately I don’t have any time to commit to this for the time being and as I stated it’s highly experimental :slight_smile: So it’ll only work on 2018.3 and hdrp 4.9.0 surely but I can’t guarantee other versions…

Update: Added a simple example project to github page.

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Why is the water getting green when adjusting the transparency. in unity 2019.3.5

This won’t work for me, getting a shader error with pink material. Doesn’t change whether I make my own material or use the one from the demo scene. HDRP + Shader Graph v 7.1.8. Anyone able to get it to work with the newest versions?

Same here, I think it’s hopeless for newer versions unfortunately

I just renounced to use HDRP and unity, i will reinstall UE.

Oh hey, actually missed this forum post. You can check the github page for newest update. There’s a package version for 2019 there.

Sad to see you go @minchio . Perhaps I can convince you to stay with this? :slight_smile:

Or maybe this?

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Thanks for uploading the new update for the water shader, I’ll try it out when I can. Excited!

Also is that Fire effect using VFX graph? or the particles system?

It’s VFX Graph on HDRP :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your Shader Graph. You don’t happen to have Water VFX as reference? Splashes and such. I’m new to VFX Graph and all I could find for learning was fire, smoke and explosion. There’s no Water unfortunately.

nice work.

Great contribution to the community, nice work…know how ya feel. it gets updated when it gets done, lol.