Hide GUI while switchcam


I would like to hide all my GUI (using Unity GUI) when I switch of camera (for a cutscene).

I heard I could put the GUI on a layer and apply a culling mask on my camera, but can't figure out how to put my GUI on a different Layer.

Do someone has an idea on how to do this?

Thank you Very much!

private var inCutScene: boolean = false;
function OnGUI(){

     if (!inCutScene){

          // Your GUI goes here



function BeginCutScene (){

     inCutScene = true;
     // your cutscene begins here


function EndCutScene (){

     inCutScene = false;


Call BeginCutScene() when you start and EndCutScene() when you are done. No GUI...


Or, as was suggested in the comments:

private var inCutScene: boolean = false;
function OnGUI(){

     if (inCutScene) return;
     // Your GUI code here...


function BeginCutScene (){

     inCutScene = true;
     // your cutscene begins here


function EndCutScene (){

     inCutScene = false;


anybody knows how I could do this?

You can deactivate the GUI on a particular camera in the Inspector. So just click on the camera in your scene that is the cut scene camera - and just deselect the GUI element.