I have a script to make a text file, but if the folder does not exist, it won’t create the text file.
As Eric5h5 said, you have to first:
using System.IO
Then, if you want to create a Folder:
var folder = Directory.CreateDirectory("path/to/your/dir"); // returns a DirectoryInfo object
if you wanna create a file:
var file = File.Create("path/to/your/file"); // returns a FileInfo object
I have a nice tutorial package especially for the System.IO namespace, you’ll learn everything you need about handling files and folders, have a look
Because of the static nature of Directory class , we do not have to instantiate the class. We can call the methods directly from the Directory class itself.
if (!Directory.Exists(filePath))
catch (IOException ex)
Source : Directory Class
Anything related to file IO is always in System.IO.