How to add curves to all children in new animation system

I currently need to make an animation of two arms doing this parkour movement. I will be using Unity’s animation system because I am not experienced with Blender animating. In previous Unity updates, when you make a keyframe it automatically adds animation curves to all of the children of the animation, but in the recent updates they changed it so you need to click [Add Curve] → [NameOfChildren] → [Position] and [Rotation]. I understand that this may help animations less performance demanding but my arms have a LOT of children and it is very tedious to add each of them. I am asking if there is a way to add curves of all of the children’s position and rotation at the same time. What I mean about this new animation curve adding system is


All of the highlighted gameObjects’ positions and rotations are needed in the animation. As you can see, I have a LOT of them. It would take a lot of time to click that Add Curve button, then find the next child, then click position, then do that again and click rotation, and do that again for the next child, and the next child, etc. If you have any idea on how to add all of the childrens’ positions and rotations at the same time, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,
RedCrusaderGames - william9518

There is no way of adding multiple curves I think, but if you are in record mode then position and rotation curves will be added automatically if you move or rotate the GameObject. So you can hit record and just animate normally by adding keyframes and moving the child gameobjects. This of course is not an option if you want to only animate using curves directly though.