How to change which state Entry transitions to?

Unity newbie here. I have 2 states in my animator/controller, let’s call them A and B. Currently, Entry has an arrow pointing to A. I want the arrow to point to B instead since I want B to play first. How do I do that?



Just right click Entry and select create transition, then point to B :wink:


I feel like when I tried that the option was greyed out or something. Thanks for the response. We’ll see how I make out once I get home and try it again.

This will create a new transition, in this case I think he simply want to change the default entry node, right click on the Entry state and choose ‘Set StateMachine Default state’ and wire the transition to state B.

There is two different concept here:
Layer default state → This is the starting point of your layer state machine, each time you will restart the game it will start in this state.
StateMachine default state → This is the default state to be play when you do a transition to a statemachine


Thanks a lot! That solution sounds more likely to work… if so, is there a way to mark your reply as the answer? or close the thread?

I have no idea :slight_smile: I’m just a Mecanim developper not a forum master

That did the trick! Thanks for the help.

Edit: Mecanim master not a forum developer.
