How to check if 2 items are equal to one of the scriptableobjects in a list.

i am working on a game right now.
where people can craft items.
(for example wood and stone makes an stonesword)
so i made an scriptableobject to make recipes.

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Recipe", menuName = "Recipe")]
public class Recipe : ScriptableObject 
	 new public string name = "New Recipe";  
	 public GameObject Object1;
	 public GameObject Object2;
	 public GameObject Result;

when the player has dragged two different items in the slots.
i want to check if one of the scriptableobjects in a list.
contains the 2 items the player has dragged in the two different slots.
if it is i want to spawn the crafted item in the game

crafter code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Crafter : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject slot1;

public GameObject slot2;

public GameObject Result;

public GameObject resultSlot;

public List <ScriptableObject> Recipes;

void Update () 
   slot1 = Slot.ItemSlot;
   slot2 = Slot2.ItemSlot;
   if(Slot.ItemSlot != null && Slot2.ItemSlot != null)
              //check if the 2 items are equal 
	   if(slot1 == " " && slot2 == " ")
                   Debug.log("its a match");
                   //instantiate crafted item.
                   Debug.log("its not match");



how can i do this?


Idk If it will help you, but: copy this code (separate the classes into files) and try it in Unity:

  1. Create some item prefabs;
  2. Create some Combination assets (using item prefabs);
  3. Create a empty GameObject and attach Crafter component;
  4. Assign those combinations that you’ve created;
  5. Start the game and try combinations using firstItemPrefabSlot and secondItemPrefabSlot;
  6. Press C to craft the current result if there’s a result the result item prefab is instantiated, otherwise nothing happens.
  7. Be attempted to console logs to understand what is happing.

Sorry for lack of explanation about how this system works, but take a look at the code and try to get it.

public class CombinationUtility {

   // As you can see here, this code doesn't depend on the order of arguments,
   // so if you have a combination that takes a Iron and a Wood both Iron+Wood and
   // Wood+Iron will have the same result.
   public static int CombineHashes(GameObject lhs, GameObject rhs) {
      Assert.IsTrue(lhs && rhs);

      int lhsHashCode = lhs.GetHashCode();
      int rhsHashCode = rhs.GetHashCode();

      int greatestHash, lessHash;
         if (lhsHashCode > rhsHashCode) {
            greatestHash = lhsHashCode;
            lessHash = rhsHashCode;
         else {
            greatestHash = rhsHashCode;
            lessHash = lhsHashCode;

      int hash = 17;
      hash = hash * 31 + greatestHash;
      hash = hash * 31 + lessHash;
      return hash;

public class Combination : ScriptableObject {
   public GameObject firstItemPrefab;
   public GameObject secondItemPrefab;
   public GameObject resultPrefab;

   public int GetCombinationHash() {
      Assert.IsTrue(firstItemPrefab && secondItemPrefab);

      return CombinationUtility.CombineHashes(firstItemPrefab, secondItemPrefab);

   public bool IsValid() {
      return firstItemPrefab && secondItemPrefab && resultPrefab;

public class Crafter : MonoBehaviour {
   public Combination[] combinations;

   private Dictionary<int, GameObject> m_CombinationsDictionary = new Dictionary<int, GameObject>();

   public GameObject firstItemPrefabSlot;
   public GameObject secondItemPrefabSlot;

   private int m_PreviouslyCombinationHash;
   private GameObject m_PreviouslyResult;
   private GameObject m_CurrentResult;

   private void Awake() {

      // As the combinations are registred in the Awake method, you'll not able to add or remove combinations when the game is running.

      if (combinations != null) {
         for (int i = 0; i < combinations.Length; i++) {
            if (combinations*.IsValid()) {*

// Registre combinations!
m_CombinationsDictionary.Add(combinations_.GetCombinationHash(), combinations*.resultPrefab);

private void Update() {
// Example
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C) && m_CurrentResult) {
GameObject newItem = Instantiate(m_CurrentResult);

Debug.Log(“New item has been crafted.”);

// We don’t need to calculate the hash every frame, so I used FixedUpdate.
private void FixedUpdate() {
if (firstItemPrefabSlot && secondItemPrefabSlot) {
int combinationHash = CombinationUtility.CombineHashes(firstItemPrefabSlot, secondItemPrefabSlot);

// combination changed
if (m_PreviouslyCombinationHash != combinationHash) {

m_CombinationsDictionary.TryGetValue(combinationHash, out m_CurrentResult);

if (m_PreviouslyResult != m_CurrentResult) {

m_PreviouslyResult = m_CurrentResult;

m_PreviouslyCombinationHash = combinationHash;

private void OnCombinationChanged() {
// You can Update UI here.
Debug.Log(“Combination has been changed.”);

private void OnResultChanged() {
if (m_CurrentResult == null) {
Debug.Log(“Invalid combination.”);

Debug.LogFormat(“{0} + {1} = {2}”,,,;