How to create a permanent world position/rotation for an IK bone independent of other bone movement

So I have a two-bone IK setup on my characters left arm with the target copying the position/rotation of an object that doesn’t move. I also have Ik setups on the head/neck/spine (not the root spine bone). When I move or rotate the head/neck/spine IK the left arm target stays in place but the left arm bone moves away from the target. Is there any way to keep that from happening and to keep it in place permanently?

Are you using the Animation Rigging package? If you are then constraints are solved top down. If it’s a specific rig then you can apply a weight to the full rig. For example, I have a rifle rig that parents base of the rifle to the shoulder, then aims the spine at the target, then applies IK to the hands to attach them to the rifle.

Thanks for the reply. I am using Animation Rigging. I mistakenly thought that putting the arm above the head/neck/spine in the rig builder meant it would take precedence but once I moved the arm down below it everything worked. I’m guessing whichever rig is solved last is the most “accurate”.