how to get a bullet to know who fired it and increase his kill count

hey @seanr , i have been working with this for a long time…i am firing a bullet prefab as in tanks multiplayer tutorial…but now i also want to add kills and deaths and display it when the player dies(till he respawns)…now i can count the deaths but not kills…i have attached a playerD.cs script to the player which stores his user name , kills , deaths…the codes are given below…i hope you will help


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class PlayerD : NetworkBehaviour {

	public string userName;

	public int kills;
	public int deaths;

	void Start()
		if (!isLocalPlayer)



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class BulletController_net : NetworkBehaviour {
	[SerializeField]float shellLifetime=2f;
	[SerializeField]bool canKill=false;
	[SerializeField]bool isDeathmatch=false;

	bool isLive=true; 
	float age;
	MeshRenderer shellRenderer;

	public GameObject player;

	public bool killed=false;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () 

		shellRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ();
		//player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player");


	// Update is called once per frame\
	void Update () 
		age += Time.deltaTime;
		if (age > shellLifetime) 

			NetworkServer.Destroy (gameObject);



	void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)

		if (!isLive)

		isLive = false;

		//shellRenderer.enabled = false;

		if (!isServer)

		if (!canKill || other.gameObject.tag != "Player")
		if (!isDeathmatch) 

			PlayerHealth health = other.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerHealth> ();
			if (health != null)
				killed=health.TakeDamage (1);
			if (killed == true) 
				Rpckilled ();


	void Rpckilled()

		PlayerD user = player.GetComponent<PlayerD> ();



using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityStandardAssets.CrossPlatformInput;

public class Shooting_net : NetworkBehaviour {
	//Drag in the Bullet Emitter from the Component Inspector.
	public GameObject Bullet_Emitter;
	public ParticleSystem muzzleFlash;

	//Drag in the Bullet Prefab from the Component Inspector.
	public GameObject Bullet;

	//Enter the Speed of the Bullet from the Component Inspector.
	public float Bullet_Forward_Force=1000f;
	public float waitTilNextFire = 0;
	public float fireSpeed = 5;

	GameObject Temporary_Bullet_Handler;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()


	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update ()

		if (!isLocalPlayer)
		Vector3 lookDir = new Vector3(CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis ("Horizontal_2"),0,CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis ("Vertical_2"));
		if (lookDir.magnitude>=1||Input.GetButton("Fire1"))

			if (waitTilNextFire <= 0) 
				CmdSpawnShell ();
				waitTilNextFire = 1;
		waitTilNextFire -= Time.deltaTime * fireSpeed;

	public void CmdSpawnShell ()
		//The Bullet instantiation happens here.

		Temporary_Bullet_Handler = Instantiate (Bullet, Bullet_Emitter.transform.position, Bullet_Emitter.transform.rotation) as GameObject;

		//Sometimes bullets may appear rotated incorrectly due to the way its pivot was set from the original modeling package.
		//This is EASILY corrected here, you might have to rotate it from a different axis and or angle based on your particular mesh.
		Temporary_Bullet_Handler.transform.Rotate (Vector3.left * 90);

		//Retrieve the Rigidbody component from the instantiated Bullet and control it.

		Rigidbody Temporary_RigidBody;
		Temporary_Bullet_Handler.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().AddForce (transform.forward * Bullet_Forward_Force);

		//Tell the bullet to be "pushed" forward by an amount set by Bullet_Forward_Force.
		//Temporary_RigidBody.AddForce (transform.forward * Bullet_Forward_Force);

		//Basic Clean Up, set the Bullets to self destruct after 10 Seconds, I am being VERY generous here, normally 3 seconds is plenty.
		//Destroy(Temporary_Bullet_Handler, 4.0f);
		RpcMuzzle ();

	void RpcMuzzle ()
		muzzleFlash.Play ();
		Temporary_Bullet_Handler.GetComponent<BulletController_net> ().player = gameObject;


i have replaced Temporary_Bullet_Handler.GetComponent ().player = gameObject; this in many places but still cant get a reference to who shot the bulllet,but i think now its working for clients every clients not server

thanks in advance

I would create a variable in the bullet controller that stores who shot it. When a player shoots a bullet, they also tell the bullet controller that they are the shooter. Then, when the bullet detects that it has hit and killed someone, it tells the shooter to increase their score by one.

guys…anyone else know how to solve this

guys got the answer…just needed to make the kills and deaths variables synvar…lol