How to make hitmarker detect when bullets collide with something, and fade in over crosshair

I’m using physical bullets in my prototype for an arcadey air combat game. I was trying to use the bullet’s own impact scripts to set the hitmarker on my ui layer to setactive when they collide with a target and didn’t have any luck, so now I want to try making a script on the hitmarker gameobject itself that detects if a bullet has collided with a target. However I’m very new to coding and I’m having trouble finding resources for either method. Can anyone point me in the right direction?Z

This is all I have so far:

public class HitMarkerScript : MonoBehaviour

    public GameObject bullet;
    public GameObject hitMarker;

    public AudioClip hitMarkerSound;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

I did see one video saying you can use a lerp on the images transparency to fade the marker in and out, but I’d like to get the basic functionality first. Where do I go from here?

If I understood correctly you want to detect collisions between bullets and targets, and then activate some hitmarker UI element based on the result.

For this job I think that the OnCollisionEnter or OnTriggerEnter function are perfect.

For example you could do something like

// This method is called when the collider associated to this object collides with another collider
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        // You can check collision objects based on tags or if you want something fancier you can use a LayerMask
        if (collision.other.CompareTag("Target"))

It s up to you to decide which object should manage the collision

OnCollisionEnter on the bullet object was the original plan, I tried something like this:

public GameObject hitMarker

void start

void OnCollisionEnter ()

However when I assigned my hitmarker prefab to the hitMarker gameobject, it didnt show up on my UI so I’m not sure how to call it correctly from the bullet script. That’s why I thought to try a script directly on the Hitmarker UI that would get the bullet’s collider and then check it for collision. But if I can do it directly from the bullet that will probably be less buggy for reuse and perform a little better

Probably best to start with some simple tutorials on using OnCollisionEnter().

I say this simply because this code:

accomplishes nothing. The above code can be deleted.

If you want to do something with the “gotten” Collider, assign it to a variable.

Otherwise, if you want examples of colliding bullets against stuff, check out any space shooter tutorial, or you’re welcome to see some of the micro-game examples in my Proximity Buttons package, such as the DemoSpaceShooter and DemoTwinStickShooter scenes… I forget how I did the collision but I think it was just coordinate checks to keep it simple and fast.

proximity_buttons is presently hosted at these locations:

I already have bullet collision and damage, which I used onCollisionEnter to implement. I just need a way to use that collision as a trigger to make the hitmarker ui element appear. I put bullet.GetComponent(); because I figured I would need to do some kind of check on that collider next to see if it’s collided with something damageable