How to match make without Unity's Match Making Service? UNet

How do I implement matchmaking without unity’s service?
How do I do P2P with UNet?

I would like some tips please. I have no budget at all so I’m wondering how to do P2P. But I would also like to know how to implement matchmaking without unity’s service? Any help would be nice thanks :slight_smile:

You can look into the NAT punchthrough plugin available on the asset store, that would use P2P when available (it claims 85% of the time) and reduce costs greatly. Otherwise you’d have to use something web based like PHP/MySQL and make WWW calls to store/retrieve lists of active games, and make sure hosting players forward the right ports on their router (not a reasonable expectation, IMO).

But honestly, you only pay for usage of the matchmaking/relay server. If you had enough players to the point where your usage went high enough that it cost a few hundred dollars, that would imply sales of your game were pretty good, and you’d probably have that money to spend.

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I just want to make a really small browser game that’s free to play should I use the UNet matchmaker for that?
I’m probably gonna put it on kongregate and some of those games have 70 players at a time If their popular.