How do I implement matchmaking without unity’s service?
How do I do P2P with UNet?
I would like some tips please. I have no budget at all so I’m wondering how to do P2P. But I would also like to know how to implement matchmaking without unity’s service? Any help would be nice thanks
You can look into the NAT punchthrough plugin available on the asset store, that would use P2P when available (it claims 85% of the time) and reduce costs greatly. Otherwise you’d have to use something web based like PHP/MySQL and make WWW calls to store/retrieve lists of active games, and make sure hosting players forward the right ports on their router (not a reasonable expectation, IMO).
But honestly, you only pay for usage of the matchmaking/relay server. If you had enough players to the point where your usage went high enough that it cost a few hundred dollars, that would imply sales of your game were pretty good, and you’d probably have that money to spend.
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I just want to make a really small browser game that’s free to play should I use the UNet matchmaker for that?
I’m probably gonna put it on kongregate and some of those games have 70 players at a time If their popular.