Hey guys, I’ve decided to make my 2D game play along the x and z axis, so i can make use of things like the navmesh. But i dont know how to make my character move forward and backward. The movement script looked like this when i used the default 2D view.
Well, your vector says new Vector3(x,y,z) , so Horizontal goes to x, and vertical to y. z stays at zero. So you should assign your horizontal or vertical thing to the z axis instead of y.
I wanted to mate, but the unity input manager doesn’t seem to have the option. It has x and y, and then 3 to 20th joystick axis (and I don’t even really know what those mean).
The controller input for the joystick is horizontal x and vertical y. You need to assign the axis within your code, not search for a z axis in the joysticks, as this would be a fancy controller
You have got your right left joystick assigned to x and top down joystick assigned to y.
Dude! I can’t believe I didn’t realize this. Thank you so much. It was ages ago that I wrote that down as I followed a tutorial and I completely forget those values are for each individual axis. Z was set to 0.0f (facepalm).