How to set the position of the sphere cast (Random.insideUnitSphere)?

I am trying to cast a Random.insideUnitSphere.

As I understand it, this call will return a random Vector3 within a sphere of 1 radius (which I multiply by whatever variable I set).

new Vector3 myPosition = Random.insideUnitSphere * someVariable;

But, how do I set the position of the sphere that I am casting? Can it only cast from the transform.position of the gameObject that contains the class from which the call is made?

I hope that I have explained it clearly. I’ve been stuck on this for several hours.

If you want to change the position of the “sphere” you simply have to add the offset vector, something along the lines:

Vector3 v  = Random.insideUnitSphere * 2f + new Vector3(4f, 0, 0);

Thank you for your replies. I will try to get this working, when I wake up.

This is what I had so far, still not quite there. The goal is for each sphere to spawn at a random location within the previous sphere.

public class Spheres : MonoBehaviour
	public float sphereDiameter;
	public GameObject sphereObject;
	float sphereRadius = sphereDiameter / 2;
	Vector3 spawnPosition;
	Vector3 newSpawnPosition;
	int sphereIndex = 0;
	void SpawnSphere()
		if(sphereIndex == 0)
			newSpawnPosition = Random.insideUnitSphere * sphereRadius;
			spawnPosition = newSpawnPosition;
			newSpawnPosition = spawnPosition + Random.insideUnitSphere * sphereRadius;
		GameObject sphere = Instantiate(spereObject, newSpawnPosition, Quaternian.Identity); = "Sphere" + sphereIndex.ToString();