How to Solve this

i’am using Unity 4.5.0+Vuforia Extenstion…
When ever i created my own C# script this error appear

You should provide your own scripts,
mostly problem came from your own scripts.

that error appear even i copy paste working script from internet…

this what i do…

create new project

then import free GUI from asset store

then apply on camera then RUN…

Test\Assets\Plugins\Editor\Unzip.js(8,8): Error BCE0021: Namespace ‘ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Core’ not found, maybe you forgot to add an assembly reference? (BCE0021) (Assembly-UnityScript-Editor-firstpass)

Test\Assets\Plugins\Editor\Unzip.js(8,8): Error BCE0021: Namespace ‘ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip’ not found, maybe you forgot to add an assembly reference? (BCE0021) (Assembly-UnityScript-Editor-firstpass)

All compiler errors have to be fixed before you can enter playmode!


i mean need see ICSharpCode code, because error is assembly reference not found,
maybe problem at ICSharpCode code.

check your assets folder, make sure the xxx.dll is in it. If not, check the Vuforia Extenstion.

i download latest Unity… problem solved…

Thank you guys for helping