i want to make RTS game, but i dont know what to do first.

hello, i am a noob here want to make a games. RTS 3D games to be exact. well its simple at first i want to make a basic building and unit. simple at first (i will do map later, must learn basic first)

the problem is, i was new to unity software, this is my first time making games and very stupid at proggraming.

so what i must to do?

and how i can recheck this post again?

As is the answer to any “Where do I start?” question, check out the official tutorials at unity3d.com/learn. Once you’re comfortable with the Unity interface, learn some scripting. Enhance the projects you’ve made in the tutorials with more interesting elements, and keep reading, watching, and practicing.

While you’re doing these learning projects, think about how what you’re learning can be applied to the kind of stuff you want to do. Break your game down into its most basic parts, and apply what you’ve seen in the tutorials to how it relates to those basic tasks. Use placeholder art to speed things up. So if you know you need a building, why not use a Unity cube primitive at first? A capsule for a person, and so on.

Any complex act can be broken down into a bunch of simple tasks. But you need to have that foundation of knowledge that can only come from dedication to learning, practice, and experimentation. There’s no way to bypass that element of experience.

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