IET Framework 4.0.0 Released

Hi everyone! Aurore here from the Education Team bringing you some wonderful news on the In-Editor Tutorial Framework Package. We have released Framework 4.0.0, it’s available now in the Package Manager in Unity 6000.0.12f1

As some of you noticed, this package has been dormant for a while, however the Education team have recently taken it on for development and for the use of new tutorials (watch this space!).

For now though, we have fixed some common issues and added some requested features which you can see in this video and the release notes below. There is more work to be done which we are very aware of, such as documentation not being up to scratch, this is something we are currently looking at resolving.

We’d love to hear any feedback you might have, if you do find a bug though, please report it through the bug reporter in the Editor.

Release Notes


New video controls

  • Videos now start paused and a set of controls has been added; Play/Pause, volume slider & timeline scrubbing.

Pop-out images & video

  • A new button which allows you to pop-out images and video to a floating window.
  • Pop-out is closed with ESC.

Include Videos via URL

  • A user can now include a URL to an external hosted video source to include in an In-Editor-Tutorial.

Option to not restore scene

  • Added an option to not restore to a previous scene after a user exits a tutorial

Code Sample

  • It is now possible to include a code sample with syntax highlighting, it is scrollable and copyable.

New Focus Editor Window option

  • If set to true when unmasking an Editor Window, this will focus on or open a target Editor Window.


Image after instruction

  • It is now possible to add an image after instruction.

Ability to highlight Tutorial Window

  • It is now possible to highlight the tutorial window itself.


Text now uses UI Toolkit’s Rich Text support

  • This fixes text display issues such as spacing.

Fixed: TAT-7 Tutorial containers are not displayed according to order in view
Fixed: TAT-8 Tutorial window is highlighted when the masking window isn’t open or not selected in a tab group|


Finally the wait time is over, appreciate it very much! Are there plans to backport IET 4.0.0 to 2022.3 LTS or will it only continue to work with Unity 6 (Preview) and forward?

It’s only discoverable in 6000.0.12 and up, but you can manually add it through the manifest all the way back to 2021.3. Just change the version number in the manifest.json and it should work :tm:

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