I am having some problems importing from these 2 software in Unity, and i wonder what am i doing wrong…
If you look at the tutorials from Will G, he uses C4d to make models and texturize them, tehn he save them and import them in Unity (so they are converted in fbx), but every time that i do so, i gotta apply again all the textures on the model (using blender and saving in obj requires even more work,since what i get is a white object without even the materials set up).
Even saving in fbx cause issues to Unity…
Is there a workflow to follow (tutorials?) to create models that can be easily imported in Unity, without a lot of post work? I’ve lost the last 2 hours importing a model of a boat, with various materials and parts…and after importing all the textures in Unity and apply them, i have a serious problem to deal with glass stuff (windows and bottles with glasses on a table inside the boat), since they look black from outside and transparent from inside (i tried to change shader in Unity, but i can’t get the same result of a render in c4d)
I am sure that i am not the only one that has these issues…so would be nice to know how you guys works thanks!
Not that I am a great specialist of C4D - just started the trial period - but I can tell you that the only reliable solution I found for importing C4D files into Unity is using the 3DS format. Maxon’s FBX export (and also Unity’s C4D import, which is said to rely on FBX) seems to cause problems with UVs, especially if you import models with baked textures.
Just use the native Blender format; don’t export to fbx or obj or anything. When you UV map in Blender, make sure you load the textures from where they are saved in your Unity project. Then everything is automatic.
That is not fully true. I am using native C4D files and exported FBX files from C4D just fine. It really isn’t that difficult and is most likely “user error” in most cases if things go wrong. However, sometimes there are glitches and bugs of course that prevent a solid export.
It is VERY important that you have a material applied to your object before export (Color Channel needs to contain a texture) or you will run into issues once you open it up in Unity. This is the most common mistake that happens to people new to this workflow/pipeline.
So in essence, things work very well with C4D/Unity (especially now with R11).
I was not sure about how to achieve good results without spending hours to make the object look right in the engine
I use both R10 and Blender, and i will try to follow your suggestions, that i know that are due my inexperience with importing stuff (never blamed Unity, i am the kind of “drag and drop guy” that love to finish a model and then drag it from finder to unity and see it exactly the same as it was in the modeling app )
So save directly in the assets folder when i make the model? so all the files will be in the same place and Unity can get all the textures and materials without letting me do it?
Usually what i do is to model, save in my temp folder for all the crap that i made, then load textures that are in the textures folder in another folder (i have an entire 500 Gb only for modeling and texture/reference pics, so i keep all there), then save and load the asset in Unity…i am sure that, looking at the results, this workflow is not the right one
I don’t know about complex shader use in either c4d or blender being imported into Unity and having them look as you’d expect in game, but I was having problems with importing basic materials: either they’d not show up, or be applied to the wrong surface, or textures applied to another material that needed relinking… nightmare. Somewhere in the forum I read that one should save locally and then on the last step export to .fbx directly to the Unity directory, but this didn’t do much better.
But -
Based on reading this thread, I started with an empty Unity Project and new Blender files. I created simple objects in Blender - at this point only a few cubes and one basic house with a roof, floor and walls - all with UV mapped textures previously saved in my Unity project directory (assets/myassets/mytextures)applied to simple surfaces. I saved them directly into the Unity project directory (assets/myassets/mymodels) and they worked perfectly fine.
When I had tried this previously (and sloppily) I was getting the roof texture on the floor and worse - so I assume this must have been some inaccuracy in the workflow.
I could imagine this could come from saving files in the Unity structure and then changing them in Blender and confusing the pipeline. At one point I redesigned something called House and replaced it and there was an existing “house material” … , so I could imagine a very clean pipe and careful workflow may help between these .apps.
I am having trouble getting native c4d files in. It turns in a white document inside the Unity browser which can not be used. And when I tried to export an fbx the UV did not come over. However when I followed your tip about the material with at least a texture map in the color channel the fbx file did have a UV map. So thanks for that one.
I have the same problem with the c4d native files. After i saved my cinema 4D project in the unity assets folder i start unity. But then i can`t drag the c4d in my scene. The c4d files looks like a white document.
Has someone a idea what the problem could be? that is really frustrating