Hi game developers!
II’ve finally finished my game and now I’m checking compatibility details.
In google play it says that my application is only suitable for 4490 devices of 16K
How i can increase my compatibility?
I’m testing the build with diferent texture compression (and the device support number be variable) , and reading about the gpu’s which can support open gl versions.
I test my app on J4 Pro android and works perfectly, but playstore says “inst compatible”
GPU info
This mobile has a GPU support of Open GL ES 3.1, and my details of the apk in google play says
Versions of OpenGL ES → 2.0+
Textures OpenGL: GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture
And also i’m reading about the android manifiest to declare compatibility and permissions.
My apk only needs this permissions…
com.google.android.c2dm.permission.RECEIVE, com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE
My min api level is 19+
AAAAANDDDD ALSO, i’m reading about the native platforms… my apk native platform, arm64-v8a…
It is a lot of information for someone who does not know much about the subject haha
Edit: I’m reading my manifiest and i find this line, i mark the important info
Edit 2: I used some compression textures, and changes, if i use etc1 or etc2 is the same, the devices aviable be the same.
When i try to build with “Don’t override” unity throws me a error