Increase compatible android devices unity app

Hi game developers!

II’ve finally finished my game and now I’m checking compatibility details.
In google play it says that my application is only suitable for 4490 devices of 16K
How i can increase my compatibility?

I’m testing the build with diferent texture compression (and the device support number be variable) , and reading about the gpu’s which can support open gl versions.

I test my app on J4 Pro android and works perfectly, but playstore says “inst compatible”

GPU info

This mobile has a GPU support of Open GL ES 3.1, and my details of the apk in google play says

Versions of OpenGL ES → 2.0+

Textures OpenGL: GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture

And also i’m reading about the android manifiest to declare compatibility and permissions.

My apk only needs this permissions…

My min api level is 19+

AAAAANDDDD ALSO, i’m reading about the native platforms… my apk native platform, arm64-v8a…

It is a lot of information for someone who does not know much about the subject haha


Edit: I’m reading my manifiest and i find this line, i mark the important info

Edit 2: I used some compression textures, and changes, if i use etc1 or etc2 is the same, the devices aviable be the same.
When i try to build with “Don’t override” unity throws me a error :frowning:


Hi there, this is my first post here, so sorry if this is a “necro”. But I want to bump this because I’m having the same problem… Sorry GiovanniHDZ, but I don’t have anything to offer, only that I have pretty much the same issue with my game. By any chance did you find a solution? Any help is greatly appreciated!