InfiniGRASS STUDIO✅-Massively optimized,interactive & non uniform volume grass for procedural worlds

InfiniGRASS STUDIO- New extra optimization mode WIP, the first image is with the previous shader, the second image uses the new dithered shadows optimized shader, tested on a very dense foliage for gauging the performance in 1050GTX Laptop.

There is a direct gain of 20fps with minor changes visually. Also now thinking that far grass-trees not need shadows for vertices very low on the ground, so could also apply this shadows cutoff based on high distance and low placement in object vertices, which should give a further boost and still keep the amazing very far away shadows mostly intact.

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InfiniGRASS STUDIO - New unique ARTnGAME developed extra optimization method is now finished, the video shows test on a very dense foliage for gauging the performance in 1050GTX Laptop (Video is also software recorded inside Unity editor, so actual performance should be even higher)

There is a direct gain of double performance using the new extra optimization. Which brings the InfiniGRASS STUDIO to a next level even with shadows pushed to the max for crazy visual quality !!! Shadows are at 550m in the video, adding shadows even to the furthest the eye can see.

This new optimization is on top of the 5 new optimizations STUDIO version brings over the current mesh batching in InfiniGRASS v1.x., which are single material - multi grass textures, grid based updating, batched billboards, huge batches spread with blanket mode, GPU instancing and pooling for zero extra RAM allocation.

This means that InfiniGRASS STUDIO can now enable crazy looking vegetation visuals that are way beyond what is possible with the standard optimization techniques.

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InfiniGRASS STUDIO new Beta v0.1.7 is now available for download for all __InfiniGRASS __users !!!

Note that InfiniGRASS STUDIO will be released at a big discount to store for all users that own the current InfiniGRASS system.

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InfiniGRASS work in progress on the new Lawn Mowing system

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InfiniGRASS STUDIO work on massive density grass in infinite maps. Performance is gauged in a 5 years old DELL XPS Laptop (1050GTX GPU)

Images have grass distance of 600m with full shadows and tree distance 900m.

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InfiniGRASS STUDIO work in progress update, the system to real time GPU blend 4 textures to a single one around the player is now almost finalized, this module will enable to keep an interaction - grass shaping texture per terrain and blend them as needed to shape the grass around the player.

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InfiniGRASS STUDIO work in progress update, the system to real time GPU blend 4 textures to a single one around the player is now finalized, this module will enable to keep an interaction - grass shaping texture per terrain and blend them as needed to shape the grass around the player.

Also the Lawn Mowing demo has been augmented with new refinements and released to store in InfiniGRASS and a version using the InfiniGRASS STUDIO specific grass optimizations is in the works to be included in the STUDIO asset.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for only $90 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

Work on the lawn mowing demo

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for only $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniGRASS Standard Pipeline - All demo scenes showcase

InfiniGRASS new batched billboards system

Massive optimization of extreme detailed grass with full shadows and long view distance, reverting to quads in 1st LOD and to batched billboards in 2ond LOD, showcasing the power of InfiniGRASS and the new upcoming Batched Billboards system.

Windows demo: InfiniGRASS with Billboards WIP - Google Drive

Recordings from 2060GTX in Linux

InfiniGRASS is the only system in the store that uses a very unique optimization method that does not depend on scripted instantiation of grass, but rather on optimizing meshes to use only a single batch per unlimited foliage per vegetation type in theory, while keeping compatibility with any device.

Also supports LODs for reducing far distance overdraw. The system can even be used without the InfiniGRASS asset present, in the special script-less mode.

The video is software recorded in a 5 years old DELL XPS Laptop with 1050GTX GPU. Also the demos were recorded inside Unity editor, so should be even faster in a final game build. Those demos besides a few meant for mobile, are targeted for desktop mainly.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for only $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniGRASS new big optimizations, coming soon.

New Optimizations:
Four new big optimizations have now been added to InfiniGRASS, giving an extra big boost to performance

  1. Added batched billboards for far LODs.
  2. Added system to regulate the batchers distance checks that apply the LODs so is not calculated each frame but rather in intervals when the player moves above a distance threshold.
  3. Added full disable of the grass grower objects, in the case where the interactive properties or grass erase is not needed.
  4. Added assignment of grass to Layer per grass type, which allows to fine tune what is rendered at each time as needed using layer control on the scene cameras.

Below is linked a first mobile demo for Android, using some of the above new optimizations. The demo runs at around 100fps in landscape mode in Samsung S22. In the demo can also plant extra grass and trees by tapping both fingers at once on the terrain and change grass type using the relevant button.

**InfiniGRASS **is included in the Environment Building Bundle !

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for only $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

A note on InfiniGRASS URP, if need to use the grass on Deferred Mode, can enter the shader and replace the “LightMode” = “UniversalForward” with “LightMode” = “UniversalForwardOnly”. This will allow the grass to appear in both Forward and Deferred modes.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for only $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

____InfiniGRASS Major__ Update !!!__

InfiniGRASS URP Beta v2.0 is now available for download on PM request !!
Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 25 & HDRP Beta 16 are also now available.

The system offers massive performance boost to foliage rendering.

The above versions are massive upgrades from the previous Beta releases, with multiple optimizations, adaptation for Unity 2023, massively faster build and shader compilation times and very big number of new features and usability modules.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $99 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniGRASS v2.0 has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

InfiniGRASS v2.0 (Major Update)

  • Added new Batched Billboards system, for use in LODs or close up when needed maximum performance.
  • Added new mobile oriented demo scenes.
  • Added two extra optimizations through a separate script that makes sure all grass growers grown from editor planting are disabled at game start if not needed for dynamic functionality and the batching scripts can also be regulated to be updated in intervals as the player moves, so when static or move slow will get maximized performance due to much lower distance checks.
  • Added option to assign the planted grass to a specific layer, per grass type, for finer control when needed.
  • Added new grass assets and ready to use brushes based on them.
  • Reorganized the InfiniGRASS folder inside the ARTnGAME folder, so can be better organized. Note that for existing installation of the system, is best to create the “ARTnGAME” folder in Assets and move there the InfiniGRASS folder, before importing the v2.0 package, to avoid having two folders with the system.

InfiniGRASS URP Beta v2.0 is now also available for download on PM request !!
Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 25 & HDRP Beta 16 are also available.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $109 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniGRASS v2.1 WIP

I have now added the two final APK Android demos for the new instant get in game mode and very detailed grass meshes.

The first is with full features, like real time planting and run time permanent grass shaping and the second is with only the pre grown from editor grass.

This new mode will be available in the next InfiniGRASS v2.1 version.

InfiniGRASS v2.1 FULL FEATURES - Run time planting and Permanent grass interaction and shaping


Note that this is a stress test demo, with very detailed close up grass that is normally more suitable to desktop. Much more optimizations can be inserted over this, e.g. blend of detailed and quad based close up grasses.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $109 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniGRASS v2.1 has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

InfiniGRASS v2.1

  • Added new optimization system that saves the editor grass on scene and centralizes the LOD control, for instant get in game time and faster performance. The same system can also be used at run time to optimize the run time planted grass at certain game spots.
  • Added demo scene showcasing the new system.

InfiniGRASS URP Beta v2.0 is now also available for download on PM request !!
Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 25 & HDRP Beta 16 are also available.

InfiniGRASS is a $15 upgrade from the new Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 (currently -50% off) for a limited time!

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $69 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)


A new method has been added to the system upcoming 2021 version, which will allow to directly copy the big batched models around the map in a blanket adapt mode and integrate them in the centralized LOD control system of the grass painted by the Grass Manager.

This mode allows three extra optimizations, since the copied items take zero extra RAM, no extra disk space when scene is saved and also use fully the GPU Instancing feature for all copies of a batched model, resulting in big performance boost and RAM and HDD optimization. Also this mode is ideal for endless procedural worlds, as the grass can be copied in new lands without any overhead and adapt to ground directly.

InfiniGRASS URP Beta v2.0 is now also available for download on PM request !!
Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Beta 25 & HDRP Beta 16 are also available.

InfiniGRASS is a $15 upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE (currently -50% off) for a limited time!

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $89 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets**!)**

InfiniGRASS 2021 Update

I have now finished another major upgrade to the new version of the system, that allows instant get in game time, very small scene save size and massive performance boost using fully GPU instancing.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $89 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets**!)**

InfiniGRASS v2.1a-b has been released at the Unity Asset Store !

InfiniGRASS v2.1b

  • Added new run time planet planting demo.

InfiniGRASS v2.1a

  • Fixed an issue with Wheat brush where it would not be visible in some of the demo scenes.
  • Added ARTnGAME Welcome window with direct link to asset information and tutorials.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $89 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

InfiniGRASS 2021 - The next generation of vegetation optimization and shading.

Massive draw call reduction and draw distances with shadowing, GPU instancing, Ground adaptation for massive batched models copy around the scene with surface normals respect, Instant get in game, Minimized saved scene size, Batched billboards, 3D Billboard generator, Impostor real time changing shadows with minimal impact in fps that can be viewed at last LOD distance and much more. Also many new brushes with focus on stylized look and new cell shading options.

Paint on any mesh or Unity terrain, on any orientation, using any mesh and shader for any pipeline! Vegetation can follow the rotation and translation of the items that was placed on. Interact with the grass in a temporal or permanent way, add trails and bend or comb the grass in run time or in editor. Paint different grass types with a single material and sprite sheet input texture.

InfiniGRASS does NOT use Compute shaders, Geometry shaders, Instancing, scripted direct draws, Burst and Jobs, or anything that can be incompatible with several platforms or Unity versions, making it ideal for all platforms and mobile and increased speed over scripted direct draw and instancing methods.

Enjoy the fastest and most advanced & compatible vegetation on Unity Store, InfiniGRASS 2021 is coming soon.

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 to Environment Building Bundle for $79 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)

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InfiniGRASS STUDIO - The next generation of vegetation optimization and shading.

Batched Impostors (InfiniBATCH) system - Video showcasing the transitions and massive number of detailed objects possibilities. The impostors are batched few seconds after load the stage, so all other processes have finished.

Imposters Transition demo

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(New offers - Upgrade from Sky Master ULTIMATE to Environment Building Bundle for $69 and save $600 on ARTnGAME assets!)