Inspector showing custom object

This may have been a daydream but I thought I saw a way to make arrays of custom classes editiable in the inspectors.
I have a class “thingy” which I have an array of in a monobehavior. I can add or change "thingy"s but I would like to be able to edit "thinghy"s like you can edit the attributes of a Vector3 when in an array.

I know I can do this with custom editor windows but was wondering if the is a method I can add to my “thingy” class that the Inspector will use.


I was able to accomplish this like so…

public class MyScript: MonoBehaviour {
  // initializes in Inspector with 1 default element
  public MyCustom[] custom = new MyCustom[1];

[Serializable, SerializePrivateVariables,StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public class MyCustom {
  public Material material;
  public Transform transform;
  public Texture2D texture;

  public MyCustom() {
    texture = new Texture2D();
    transform = new Transform();
    material = new Material("");

  public MyCustom(MyCustom other) {
    material = other.material;
    transform = other.transform;
    material = other.material;