iOS Shader: Blend Textures with Emessive

I am trying to get the blend shader work with emessive color values.
But somehow the shader doesn’t work if emessive lines are included.
Would be very nice if someone can help me on this issue.

thanx forwardly!!

Shader "CUSTOM/Blend2Textures" {
   Properties {
      _Tint ("Tint Color", Color) = (.9, .9, .9, 1.0)
      _TexMat1 ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
      _TexMat2 ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {}
      _Blend ("Blend", Range(0.0,1.0)) = 0.0
      _Emission ("Emissive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0)
   Category {
      ZWrite On
      Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
   SubShader {
      Pass {
         Material {
            Diffuse [_Tint]
            Ambient [_Tint]
            Emission [_Emission]
         Lighting On
         SetTexture [_TexMat1] { combine texture }
         SetTexture [_TexMat2] { constantColor (0,0,0,[_Blend]) combine texture lerp(constant) previous, previous * primary DOUBLE}
         //SetTexture [_TexMat2] { combine previous +- primary, previous * primary }      

   FallBack " Diffuse", 1

Didn’t you post this somewhere else, too? I was pretty sure I typed to you about it. Either way, the issue is that you’re using three texture stages and you only get two on the MBXLite. Use another pass. There’s no way to get the signed add blend mode, though.

the only thing you wrote me in a personal message, after i beged you for help for a simple shader, is that i am a stupid asshole, cause of having 6 childs and not the time to learn from your videos!

shell everyone read that!

i am human and by all my power for my childs, woman and friends, i will always take care to stay one!

:slight_smile: Relax.

  1. If someone insults you, you can always use the Ignore button and complain to the admins.
  2. Everybody has issues and everybody takes care of them as best as they can. You can choose to share them but this usually alienates people from helping you.
  3. If you wish help with things you cannot do alone ( i.e shaders ), it is often difficult to get them for free. If you cannot afford the time to learn from other sources, perhaps you should consider hiring a coder ( if you believe the shader is so important for your project ).

I wish I could help you with your shader problem, as easily as I share with you my opinions on your expectations. I try to learn glsl for IOS at the moment, you can see some tutorials in but nothing related to lighting I am afraid. I will keep posting, if I manage to do something relevant I will contact you.

Since we both speak English as a second language, I am afraid that you might misinterpret my post.
I just wanna tell you that the frustration you feel comes from your expectations and that in my opinion if you reconsider them, you could have a nice day :slight_smile:

this has nothing to do with frustrations. please don’t misjudge things.

This thread is pretty frustrating to me. :wink: We’re not getting anywhere if you can’t PM me whatever you’re talking about, though.

I’m sure I frustrate him gently. But I can’t hear his videos due to a hearing loss :smile: