I have Near-Far Interactor set as my only interactor. Is it possible somehow split interctables to grab them
- direct only
- remote only
- direct and remote (this is default behaviour for Near Far Interactor)
Tried to find corresponding interactable properties, layers setup, filters but didn’t find a solution atm.
I’m using XR Interaction Toolkit v3.0.7
The near far interactor is split with 2 different casters - the sphere caster and the curve caster.
The curve is used for far and the sphere is for near. You can customize the physics layers each caster supports and that would allow you to change the behavior to match what you’re after.
Another thing you can do, which is not quite what you want, but might still be good to know is, you can change the far attach mode on each interactable, so that it’s possible to have objects snap to the hand from afar instead of being kept at a distance.
Thank you, set corresponding physics layers solves the problem