Little cube icons on Hierarchy :(

The little boxes in my hierarchy are quite annoying. I knew they were coming but I did expect them to be optional… we use a custom hierarchy display and have no need for redundant little boxes on every single line. Can we have pre 2018.3 hierarchy window style back please, it’s making our custom hierarchy ugly.



Sorry to hear you’re not fond of the icons.

The information provided by the icons is not redundant. How they work and look is a design we’ve worked out iteratively based on a lot of feedback.

See here for more information:


Doesn’t fly for me, would like to remove them.


Can we at least have a tickbox in the Preferences to turn them on/off? I find them rather annoying and distracting.

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For me, I do see the difference from the older view of the Hierarchy, but I do not feel an annoyance or repulsion. I am sure that the icons can be improved. I also approve on the idea of having options in the editor settings, so people have more freedom to customise the editor to their liking. I understand that sometimes change is hard, but if it comes with the mindset of improving the editor, the engine, the workflow, I am sure the change will be much easier accepted.
P.S. There are many thing to improve. Is this the most pressing of them all? What would we need the most right now? We got nested prefabs, what is next?

Bloat noise, options for removing please.


Well the nested prefabs icons could be placed in the inspector. Why is it I need to see this data in the hierarchy without it being optional?

Frankly I found the whole nested prefab approach here to be not really my cup of tea. I did mention some but not all of the things in alpha (as I don’t like to make things about me) however this is a fresh round of feedback.

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They set me out of new prefab system when they said you could no longer select prefabs in project and modify in bulk in the inspector, I do this sooo often… may be they fixed tho, downloading to give it a go.


Configurable options are surely the best, but the icons add nice feedback to the hierarchy, which I wouldn’t want to miss from now on. :slight_smile:

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Heh, enjoy. I think there’s a fold out thingy for it (it’s confusing to me, but what do I know).

Agree with the icon noise dissenters. It’s very noisy.

Would love an option to remove all icons in hierarchy, as per before. No need for all that noise to communicate prefabs.

And the situation gets worse the bigger and busier the project/scenes.

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OK how is this an improvement?

Seriously, I can understand without the cube that every single object without that cube already means that is a regular gameobject.


Are prefab variants in this version? I’ve forgotten how to make one… I thought it was when right-clicking a prefab in the hierarchy/assets.

If you only had them for prefabs it would make the indentation weird in some cases. Also, new prefabs have the + icon to the left on child gameobjects that have been added , so what icon would that added gameobject use? A box with a +? But then regular gameobjects wouldn’t have the box…

Anyway, I was for being able to disable them in preferences.

You don’t see any benefit because all your components are of the same type, but if some of them where prefabs o prefab variants or (I don’t know which others are available on this new version), you could easily find them useful. In the past there was no use to have them because there was only one type of element available. Personally I think this change is positive.

Its fine that specific components like the ones you mention have an specific icon, but for the regular ones is just unnecesary noise imo. They could still do the color thing like in previous version and make the text with an specific color and they could avoid the icon thing.


I think standardization is the name of the game, however if you don’t like/need it there should be a way to disable it.

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This is what I meant
edit:What is different is what you whant to make stand from the noise, if you add stuff to the regular things that are the norm you bloat the tree


Yes, optional and relevant.
This was discussed during prefab preview.

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I remember and I see it painfully ignored bye Unity.

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I really don’t mind being ignored if the result it better and at least, if it breaks my mucle memory, that it respects how human perception works.

Speaking of which, I like how your mock-up highlights important stuff but the box shouldn’t offset the entire row because you then lose information density along the horizontal axis.
Have a look at this, I think visually it’s the best of both worlds.