Locking an area of the screen after a popup message

About problem

The unity window that appears during compilation blocks any action in the upper left corner of the screen area ± 200x200px at 1920x1080 resolution. I’m using X11 for clarity, same behavior when using Wayland. The basic behavior when hovering over the top right corner in Plasma also doesn’t work

I use the argument when running -force-vulkan.

Does not depend on the IDE being opened. Tested on VSCode and Rider

Windowed, maximized or fullscreen doesn’t matter

Video record of bug

I tried

Changing to OpenGL does not affect the behavior and it is not preferred for the project. It will then use URP, which is incorrectly rendered when using OpenGL

-force-wayland does not solve the problem when using Wayland

-popupwindow does not affect behavior and does not solve problems

Switching to GNOME DE. Didn’t solve problem

About the system

OS: Arch Linux x86_64
Kernel: 6.12.10-arch1-1
Resolution: 1920x1080 @ 74.97Hz
KDE Plasma Version: 6.2.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.10.0
WM: KWin
KWin version: 6.2.5
Qt Version: 6.8.1
Graphics Platform: X11


CPU: 12 × AMD Ryzen 5 5600 6-Core Processor
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 6GB

I didn’t find solution better than update Unity version to 6. There is no this bug and with above system it works perfectly fine so far :smiley_cat:

Another solution: use Windows version of Unity :skull:

This was fixed in Unity 2022.3.57.

For those still on an older version of Unity (I’m on 2022.3): I wrote a script to deal with this nonsense under Wayland. I have no idea if it also works on X11.


function shrink() {
    local ID
    ID=$(xwininfo | grep -P -o '(?<=Window id: )(0x[0-9A-Za-z]+)')

    if [[ $ID ]]; then
        echo Shrinking $ID ...
        xdotool windowsize $ID 1 1


You have to have the tools “xwininfo” and “xdotool” installed. The script allows you to click on a window with your cursor, which it then resizes it to 1x1 px.

At least on my machine, Unity spawns two invisible 200x200 px windows in the top left corner. I think the inspector is the culprit. If you select something in the project view and have an inspector open which shows you the information about the asset/folder, Unity spawns those invisible windows.

You can then use my script to hide them one by one. Just make sure there’s still an invisible window. The script does no checking and will shrink any window you click on.