masked driver

masked driver 2.0 update


Nice looking model. Can you post few more tech details please? - ie: will the lights work, are the suspension units animated, will it work in Unity5. I’d pay $100 for this if the driver could get in/out of the car with his own third-person controller :wink:

the lights will work, suspension probably not as im not a real good coder, i can make them sperate objects so u can scale them based on wheel ground hit, the screens are all from in unity5, in and out and basic walk run idle jump animations i can do,( i was more thinking like 35 dollars(30euros))
heres the wires

Sounds like a deal at $35 - I will buy it for sure.

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nice to hear secretstudio
finished the drivecontroller im still looking for a good way to make the suspension move, ive also made a canyon track mesh to drive around in, its fun!

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made a little webplayer of the current state," arrows" to drive “space” to brake “r” to restart the scene

webplayer doesnt work on chrome, all lighting is off and texture resolution is a quarter

Great web demo - congrats ! Looks good to go to me :wink:

Any idea when you will be putting it on the store?

yeah well, it depends on how well te getting in and out of the vehicle coding goes, the basic third person controller wont be that hard as i allready have a script for that. i want the player to get out of the vehicle when its upside down then he lifts the vehicle back in position and then get back in. if i cant get it to work good with scripting ill just include the in out animations and no script for them.

Looking forward to seeing how it works out for you - I subbed your thread as I would like to use your vehicle in my upcoming game:- link below:-

Game site -

Youtube -

Drop me a message through the contact page and I will send you my email

Frank (Secret Studio)

the third person character and controller are done! i hope i can get the in and out working by the end of the weekend,
what is “subbed my thread” ? i dont understand that,sorry(as english is not my native language)
ive had a look at your game in progress, looks good but not all the art matches in my opninion.
i’d be happy if u use the buggy in your game, :wink:

Quick work ! - I mean’t I am ‘watching’ this thread so I don’t miss anything. Thanks for looking at my game page - it is a work-in-progress, and I appreciate any feedback :wink:

I’m a new game developer and fairly new to Unity - still finding my way around. Looking forward to trying out your buggy in my game though :wink:

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i couldnt get the in and out working with “target matching” but ill include the animations anyway.
added camera collision and speedometer dials
im close to submitting unless ive forgot something important that u think should be added?

arrows to drive and space to brake press “R” to restart.

I have just run the webdemo - I like the speedo and tacho display :wink:

I can’t think of anything else important you would need to add right now. Good luck with the submission, and I look forward to purchasing. I do hope that you are planning on including the terrain as in the webdemo :wink:

yes everything from the demo will be included, also a basic third person controller for the driver wich isnt in the demo.

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its submitted and pending review, it will probably take another week to get accepted , price is like mentioned earlier 35$

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its been declined for lack of documentation and an image effect error, ill try to make the pack error free this time, write a small setup document and resubmit, hope it gets accepted then… pfff another 2 weeks waiting :frowning:

Sorry to hear that, I did not see an image effect error myself, and lack of documentation - well what can I say - it drives and works well from what I can see. Either way - I am happy to wait, and will still be pleased to make a purchase when it does finally get approved.

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its resubmitted. ive removed all standard assets and made a small setup guide with contact info in case someone still has questions, i hope it gets approved now. if sales go well ill make more vehicles with drivers. but we’ll see how it goes.

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its accepted link

Really great to see this on the store at last! I have been waiting a long time to find a Unity5 car that worked in my post-apo scene.

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