Massive Clouds Atmos / Massive Clouds

Massive Clouds Atmos Released !

Unity Asset Store URL:

Design your sky

Massive Clouds Atmos is an asset that provides the ability to render the entire sky with volumetric effects. It allows you to design the entire sky while adjusting for various weather conditions and time zones in real time.

It can simultaneously handle the sky entirely such as clouds, atmospheric scattering, and fog rendering, allowing you to occlude light by clouds and shaft effects consistently and realistically.

It is also possible to dive into the three-dimensional clouds depicted by the ray-marching technique.



I update Massive Clouds to version 1.1.0

Added Height Limitation Feature.
Now you can fly inner or over clouds!

do you know if these work in VR?

VR is not supported currently.
Because I do not have VR device.

no prob’s it seems to disable HDR when it’s on - is that a bug?

Thank you for report.
I will investigate into HDR off problem.

What version of Unity do you use?
Is Massive Clouds setuped as Camera Component or Postprocessing Effect?

I have reproduced this bug with Camera Effect.
I do fix this.

Fix is done on my PC.
But update on AssetStore may take several days.

If you can edit Script, change Line 53 of MassiveClouds.cs

            var renderTextureFormat = TargetCamera.allowHDR
                ? RenderTextureFormat.DefaultHDR
                : RenderTextureFormat.Default;

            commandBuffer = new CommandBuffer {name = "MassiveClouds"};
            commandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(id, -1, -1, 0, FilterMode.Bilinear, renderTextureFormat);
            commandBuffer.Blit(BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, id);
            commandBuffer.Blit(id, BuiltinRenderTextureType.CameraTarget, material);

HieghtLimitation with Horizontal mode is not good.
In next version I will update this feature.

This is ScreenShot of new Height Limitation feature.


this product looks interesting - it works with HDRP.
Can I get “god rays” from the sun/light to the ground through the clouds? Can lights interact with the clouds?
Or because it is a post processing effect there can be no cloud interaction with the scene?

Thank you for your feedback.
Unfortunately Light shaft effect like God ray is not available.

I will think about god ray

Thanks for letting me know!

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Version 1.2.0 is released.
And this bug is fixed.

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I am working on next version 2.0.

At Version 2.0, clouds rendering engine is absolutly polished.

It will be gained rendering more real clouds and visual effects.

This is result image rendered by new engine.


In version 2.0, the clouds look very beautiful. Will there be cloud shadow support?

Thank you very much.
Version 2.0 is coming soon!

Sorry, cloud shadow is not supported.

I create new Movie for next version 2.0.

You can see Clouds Rendering Quality of Version 2.0 in this movie !

I am preparing Version 2.0 to release.

Massive Clouds Version 2.0.0 Released !

New Features

  • Octave Feature
  • Solid Lighting Calculation
  • Android Support (OpenGL ES 3.0)
  • Parameter is whole refined.

Bug Fixes

  • [Fix] If only MassiveClouds active in PostProcessingVolume, nothing is rendered.
  • [Fix] Wrong projection used with Lens Shifted camera.
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I am working on next version 2.1.

  • Finally VR will be available. (Oculus Rift and Android devices)
  • This movie is new “Phaser” feature demo.
  • GPU Performance will be proofed.

Now Version 2.1.0 Released on AssetStore!

  • VR Ready (Oculus Rift / Google Cardboard / Daydream)
  • Octave Phaser
  • Performance improved
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