Mesh Real Cutting

HI everyone, I’m working on cutting script and here is triangles removing demonstration

now, I’ll start working to create second part of triangles and assign rigidbodies, when I’ll finish it I want to sell it on unity’s asset store.
please let me know your opinion.

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Very interesting. When you cut something with this, will we be able to have the two parts have rigidbodies? So that we can simulate something like cutting down trees?

Looks like it would be very useful for melee weapons, not really sure if I’d pay for something like this though.

You are definitely onto something really good there. Despite the obvious using this script to remove limbs. I wonder if (eventually) you could use the script to simulate destruction. Performing random odd shaped slices across different segments of the rigidbody to break it into pieces. It would prove great for exploding or shattering objects. Good demonstration and I would think it would prove useful in the Asset store.

Heh, makes me think of Metal Gear Rising -

Very cool.

YES. This is what unity is missing.
And yes, if you can dynamically cut stuff, you can shatter them too with a bit different code.

WOW ! Fantastic !
Could you allow 2 ways :

  • cutting + disappearing of some tiles (like on your video !)
  • cutting but all the tiles remain on the scene : so we could make some walls suddenly fall for example !!! Or a character who suddenly breaks like in cartoon movies !?!


I would definitely buy it :smile:
For a fair price of course :wink:


Really interesting… I will definitely buy this!

Do you think will be possible simulati this “effect”:

with your script?


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ok, I can to have options to remove only upper or down tiles, but why do you need this?

yes, this video is only removing demonstration - I think this was important and hard, creating second part will be same logic. I’m working on that now

I want to create that stuff too, but for now I want to finish this and that try to cut animated characters :slight_smile:

that is possible too, but you need two-sided shader to be visible cutted mesh from inside too. but now I’m doing real-time cutting, it won’t be usable in unity’s editor. you’ll put this script on that object which will be cutting tool(sword, laser, etc.) and it will cut anything which will have collider and will be on cutting layer.

I would pay for something like this. Heck, I’d vote for this to be integrated as an official feature in Unity.

In the video, I am seeing some lines on cut surfaces. Hopefully that gets fixed.

That lines are for me :), they are debug lines

Any chance of a webplayer version to try, been doing some slicing stuff myself and would be interested in comparing :slight_smile:

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That will be available soon, now I’m doing some paid scripts for one guy and then I’ll continue working on this.

This is amazing. when are you gonna put it on asset store. I would like to purchase it.

temo_koki - is it fast enough to use it on IOS devices or only for PC and MAC?

I don’t know how it will work on IOS, but on that sculpture there was 50 000 triangles and script goes through this 50 000 triangles and removes 27 000(removing sculpture head in video) in 2.5 second, on IOS you won’t have 5 000 triangles per object :), so I think it will work