Moving one UI element to the position of another UI element smoothly

Hi guys, this question may be stupid, but I cant get my head around with this. So how to move one UI element to the position of another UI element? Their parent gameobjects are different. Which property (anchoredPosition, localPosition, position) and HOW should i use for smooth interpolation (in Coroutine for example)?

convert the start and end points into worldspace coorindates, lerp/coroutine/whatever the recttransform position from start to end, change the parent when it reaches the end.

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Can you tell which functions to use for converting into worldspace? Documentation is not so clear for me. I have tried this, but it seems not working:
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(myRectTransform, myRectTransform.
anchoredPosition, Camera.main, out worldSpace);

from the link…


You can move any UI element using script with a coroutine and a MoveTowards method or Lerp, without the disadvantages of using Animator.

I explain how exactly make that in this tutorial: