Unity.Netcode.Editor.CodeGen.NetworkBehaviourILPP: (0,0): error - TransformState: Managed type in NetworkVariable must implement IEquatable

Unity.Netcode.Editor.CodeGen.NetworkBehaviourILPP: (0,0): error - TransformState: Managed type in NetworkVariable must implement IEquatable
Either do as it says (implement IEquatable) or better: make the class (managed type) a struct (unmanaged type).
Btw from the looks of it, this type seems too complex. Say you always check the bool before needing any of the other types you‘d still be sending all of it, ie the entire 36 bytes rather than a single byte. Likewise, if neither position nor rotation have changed neither should be sent across the wire. Minimizing traffic is of utmost importance, only send what really needs to be sent at any given point in time!