nuget.newtonsoft-json conflict


I upgraded to 2021.3.21f1 recently
after about a week I started receiving the following errors

GUID [14f21d7a1e53a8c4e87b25526a7eb63c] for asset ‘Packages/com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json/Runtime/AOT’ conflicts with:
‘Assets/JsonDotNet/Assemblies/AOT’ (current owner)
We can’t assign a new GUID because the asset is in an immutable folder. The asset will be ignored.

Any suggestions how to fix please?

The assembly that is under the “Assets/JsonDotNet/” directory should be removed from your project. The one under the “Packages/” directory takes precedent. All modules that depend on Json.NET should reference the one under “Packages/”. See my post [here]( Conflict between Asset's Newtonsoft and PackageManager's Newtonsoft page-2#post-9067537) for more details.