Object trail/tail


I have a smoke tail texture. I want to make a meteorite trail effect. I tried TrailRenderer, particle system Trails mod Particles and particle system Trails mod Ribbon. I also tried all the Texture Mode options. In all cases, the result is the same: the taxura follows the object. I want the texture to not move along the line.

Are there ways to do so?

File 1 - How do I need
File 2 - How do I get

Hi @unity_bPYT4ES2DGHFVQ,

Just go with this settings: (in particle effect tab): Simulation Space to : World instead of Local (so emmited particles will be attached to world…

And Emmision by Distance (so Metorite will emite the particles during movement)… probably do no need emit trough time/burst…

Hope will do.