I’ve built my game and libraries on top of XR Interaction. With the mixed reality support just exposed on Oculus 2, is there a way I can integrate the pass through features while still maintaining use of the XR Interaction infrastructure?
Is this planed to be exposed in the Unity XR API at some point? or would I need to port by work back over to the Oculus Integration framework to support mixed reality?
You can run Oculus Integration together with XRI. You only need to add the VR Folder from the Intergration and add an OVRManager to the scene. The rest can stay the same. Cactus Cowboy Passthrough works this way.
@[slippyfrog]( https://discussions.unity.com/t/853860 members/slippyfrog.1034699/)
How did you manage that exactly?
I’ve tried adding 1) OVR Manager + 2) OVR Passthrough Layer to the scene
Beside the original XR Rig, and I had no luck
Can you please tell how did you handle it in your situation
I put an OVR Manager in the scene, next to the XR Rig. Then added an OVR Passthrough Layer component to the XR Rig itself. It worked for me. Hope it helps!
I think the key was adding the ‘XR Origin (Action based)’ to the scene AFTER adding the OVRCameraRig.
It doesn’t add a Main Camera object to the XR Origin.
Also make sure, that the CenterEyeAnchor is enabled (checkmark to the right of the blue camera icon):
Make sure the interaction managers selected for your controllers and interactables is the XR Interactions Manager (and NOT the OVRCamera rig or anything to do with the Oculus Integration)
Does anybody know if it is possible to make the passthrough API work with the OpenXR plugin? It seems to work when ONLY the Oculus plugin is enabled in XR plugin management, but when either OpenXR or both is enabled, the background simply turns black.
I am trying to use the hand-tracking feature from XR Toolkit 2.3.0, which required the OpenXR plugin to be enabled, and ideally, I would combine this with the Oculus Passthrough API.
EDIT: just realized you’re the OP thank you for kicking off that additional thread and I’ll keep this here in case anyone is looking in the future too. I’m also actively investigating this. If you want to stay in touch, you can find me on Discord or GitHub at the following username: farmerinatechstack.
Thank you very much! The solution worked for me. I was looking for a solution like this for hours until I found this post. I almost gave up on OVR and tried to use just XR.
In this OVR Passthrough Layer component set Placement to Underlay (if you want to see your VR content on top as well)
Disabling PostProcessing on the Main camera’s is only needed if you use URP. If you are using builtin, just make sure there is no PostProcessing component on the main camera’s
I also disabled the Trackingspace object below OVRCameraRig just to be sure.
And, the Main Camera of XR Rig still has the Main Camera Tag.
This enabled AR for me while not mixing the different origins. Hope it helps someone