Unity 6000.0.35f1
Unity OpenXR Meta 2.1.0-pre.1 (in order to get play mode passthrough)
ARFoundation 6.1.0-pre.4 (goes with OpenXR Meta)
It seems that after I configure the OpenXR setting in XR Plug-in Management, it doesn’t reliably save my edits to the file so that I can share with team members. Seems to work on initial setup and then is ignored after that.
Is this a known issue and is it due to the preview build of OpenXR Meta?
I have the same problem with version 6000.0.36f1. Sadly, I cannot get any settings stored in my project files whatsoever, even when trying to save them via CTRL+S - my settings are only kept in memory and will be reset when I next open up the Unity editor or export a game.
In hopes that it is only the writing-to-disk part that is not working: Does anyone know where I could look up the structure of the files that are written to disk so that I can manually (in a text editor) configure the OpenXR settings?
[Edit: For anyone else having this issue, you can revert the com.unity.xr.openxr package to 1.12.1 (in /Packages/manifest.json) to circumvent the issue. I hope there will be a fix soon :-)]