Is there any way to know where would the original root be when “Center of mass” is selected.
In my 3d program I set the origin position as a helper for climbing, takedown, interacting with other character and objects. But I need to set the animation to “Center of mass” in order to make smooth transition with other clips, also I need to know the orientation of the original root position.
I need to do this because I need a reference point in order to position the character.
I tryed a lot of aproachs and none of them would work for me.
I choose to set the “Center of mass” because If I bake the animation I cannot interrupt the transition, for example, getting hit or die.
Also this method is useful when (as in the video) the player jumps or climbs objects. When the animation is triggered you can smoothly move and rotate the character in order that the original root position and rotation matchs some preset point in geometry.
I was struggling for over 6 month with this trouble.
If I bake the animation (as in the first part of the video) I can easly get the “Center of mass” point by getting the XZ of the hip bone and compute the Y of the feet, but I can’t do the other way (This will be exactly what I need)
I am sorry if I can’t explain myself correctly.
Thanks in advance