How Can I override the component header in the inspector? I use UI toolkit / “public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI”. So “protected override void OnHeaderGUI” is not called. I want to override the header per component instance so ObjectNames will not work for me. I want to create a dynamic header related to component’s fields.
Component headers are still IMGUI. Quick look in the UI toolkit debugger shows this:
You would have work up the heirarchy, remove said element, and replace it with a UI toolkit version.
As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of what you are trying to do is going to require hacks, experimentation, and some inventiveness. Get creative.
I think header IMGUIContainer controls the inspector layout. When I remove it or override onGUIHandler function inspector is empty.
_root.RegisterCallback<AttachToPanelEvent>(evt =>
var panel = evt.destinationPanel;
var header = _root.parent.parent.Q<IMGUIContainer>();
//I tried following 3 lines one by one.
// Clear does not effect
//Zero size
header.onGUIHandler = () => { };
//Zero size
//var label = new Label("Test Header");
Clearing the header won’t do anything as it doesn’t have any children; it’s just an IMGUIContainer.
I managed to figure out where it gets made: UnityCsReference/Editor/Mono/UIElements/Inspector/EditorElement.cs at master · Unity-Technologies/UnityCsReference · GitHub
So you can have fun plugging through what it does to see what the minimum you need to recreate is.