ParticleSystem showing in scene but not in game.

I have a particle system that is being instantiated any time the user clicks a button. This ParticleSystem shows up in the scene view perfectly when the button is clicked, however, it is not displaying in the game view! I have the material of the particles set to Unlit/Transparent Cutout as it is an image. The particle system is in front of everything else in the scene except the button. I also have the particle system as a prefab (obviously, to instantiate) and Play On Awake is set to on. Why isn’t my particle system showing up in game view?

It may not be on a layer that the game camera culling mask allows.

Same problem, I’m doing a learning path on unity where the particles are already setup… and it just doesn’t work in play mode.

Starting the particle system in the script with the “particlesystem”.Play() function could help.

If you know that your particle system is playing (with particleSystem.Play()) check to see how far away the emission field is. I had the same problem so I tried making the emission field smaller and it came into view. I know this is an old question but I hope this helps other users if they have the same problem

I’m having the same issue and can’t figure it out :frowning: My particleSystem.Play() seems to work code wise, but in game i don’t see any particles when i click my coin prefab…here is my reddit thread someone tried helping me but no still nothing.

@MrCringeGaming and to anyone else hoping for a possible solution still.

here is my solved solution.
I have my “player” on a sorting layer called “entities” and not the default layer, when adding the particle system effect as a child of the “player” I couldn’t see the particles (only in scene view).

I highlighted the particle effect and in the “Inspector” scrolled to the bottom where it says “Renderer” (see image attached).

In the “Render options” (by clicking the render tab) you will see the > Sorting Layer ID
I changed this from default > entities (or whatever layer your player is on), this was the solution for me.

Hope it helped any,

My particles were a child of the canvas with the “Screen space - Overlay” property.
I changed the property to “Screen space - Camera” and add camera.