Pixel art severely distorted in game view.

I have on point (no filter) and the compression on none yet the sprite appears extremely distorted in game, In all other views it appears fine, however. Its only happening to the player sprite, the background and objects are all fine. Any clue what could be causing this?

9556681--1350961--Screenshot (91).png 9556681--1350964--Screenshot (92).png
Normal vs In Game View

They don’t look fine. There light/dark bands are irregular.

It looks like you have a pixel perfect setup or shader or something and it isn’t set up “in sync” with your underlying pixels. That’s the first place I’d look.

To reason about if this is the case, try creating and selecting different pixel sizes in the Game window and see what happens.

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I removed the pixel perfect camera and fiddled around with some of the sprite’s scaling and it looks fine now, Thank you so much!

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