Player wont Rotate and Move at same time via mobile touch controls

Im trying to make a TPS on mobile. Now i want implement a basic control system where on the left side of screen the player is able to move via joystick and on the right side of the screen the player is able to look around using swipe. Now the problem I faced is that the player isnt able to move and rotate at same time. It will only either move or rotate cant do simunltaniously.

Here is the code for the look. For the move i used a virtual joystick with the On Screen Stick script provided by the unity.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

public class TouchControls : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private InputActionAsset inputAction;

    public GameObject CameraLook;
    public GameObject Player;
    private InputAction LookAction;
    private Vector2 lookInput;
    private Vector2 CameraRotation;

    [SerializeField] public float PitchSensitivity;
    [SerializeField] public float YawSensitivity;
    [SerializeField] public float Min;
    [SerializeField] public float Max;

    private float VerticalRotation;

    private int rightFingerId;
    private float halfScreenWidth;

    void Awake()

        LookAction = inputAction.FindActionMap("Player").FindAction("Look");

    private void OnEnable()

    private void OnDisable()

    void Start()
        // id = -1 means the finger is not being tracked
        rightFingerId = -1;

        // only calculate once
        halfScreenWidth = Screen.width / 2;


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()

        if (rightFingerId != -1)
            // Ony look around if the right finger is being tracked


    void LookAround()
        float PlayerRotation = lookInput.x * YawSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;
        Player.transform.Rotate(0, PlayerRotation, 0);

        VerticalRotation = Mathf.Clamp(VerticalRotation, Min, Max);
        CameraLook.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(VerticalRotation, 0, 0);


    void GetTouchInput()
        // Iterate through all the detected touches
        for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)

            Touch t = Input.GetTouch(i);

            // Check each touch's phase
            switch (t.phase)
                case UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Began:

                    if (t.position.x > halfScreenWidth && rightFingerId == -1)
                        // Start tracking the rightfinger if it was not previously being tracked
                        rightFingerId = t.fingerId;

                case UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Ended:
                case UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Canceled:

                    if (t.fingerId == rightFingerId)
                        // Stop tracking the right finger
                        rightFingerId = -1;
                        Debug.Log("Stopped tracking right finger");

                case UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Moved:

                    // Get input for looking around
                    if (t.fingerId == rightFingerId)
                        lookInput = LookAction.ReadValue<Vector2>();
                        VerticalRotation -= lookInput.y * PitchSensitivity * Time.deltaTime;

                case UnityEngine.TouchPhase.Stationary:
                    // Set the look input to zero if the finger is still
                    if (t.fingerId == rightFingerId)
                        VerticalRotation -= 0;

I’m guessing you just have a bug.

For one, line 127 does nothing because of a typo:

VerticalRotation -= 0;

Do you have other typos?

It looks also like maybe you didn’t post all the code, as the switch statement is cut off.

Time to start debugging!

By debugging you can find out exactly what your program is doing so you can fix it.

Use the above techniques to get the information you need in order to reason about what the problem is.

You can also use Debug.Log(...); statements to find out if any of your code is even running. Don’t assume it is.

Once you understand what the problem is, you may begin to reason about a solution to the problem.