problem with spline-based procedual geometry (Unite15)

I’m trying to recreate what was presented in the talk of @JoachimHolmer about ‘spline-based procedual geometry’ from Unite 2015.

The Talk:

The Slides (heavy images!): A coder's guide to spline-based procedural geometry - Google Slides

problem is, when I move or rotate the gameobject and then update the mesh, the mesh doubles everything I do:

Code (I will provide more if needed):

public struct OrientedPoint {
   public Vector3 position;
   public Quaternion rotation;

   public OrientedPoint(Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot) {
      position = pos;
      rotation = rot;

   public Vector3 LocalToWorld(Vector3 point) {
      return position + rotation * point;

   public Vector3 WorldToLocal(Vector3 point) {
      return Quaternion.Inverse(rotation) * (point - position);
   public Vector3 LocalToWorldDirection(Vector3 dir) {
      return rotation * dir;

(curve = OrientedPoint[ ])

private void SetMesh() {
   if (curveOK) {
      int vertsInShape = shape.vertices.Length;
      int edgeLoops = curve.Length;
      int vertCount = vertsInShape * edgeLoops;
      int triCount = shape.lines.Length * segments;

      int[] triIndices = new int[triCount * 3];
      Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertCount];
      Vector3[] normals = new Vector3[vertCount];
      Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[vertCount];

      for (int i = 0; i < curve.Length; i++) {
         int offset = i * vertsInShape;
         for (int n = 0; n < vertsInShape; n++) {
            int id = offset + n;
            vertices[id] = curve[i].LocalToWorld(shape.vertices[n]);
            normals[id] = curve[i].LocalToWorldDirection(shape.normals[n]);
            uvs[id] = new Vector2([n], i / (float)edgeLoops);
      int ti = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
         int offset = i * vertsInShape;
         for (int n = 0; n < shape.lines.Length; n += 2) {
            int a = offset + shape.lines[n] + vertsInShape;
            int b = offset + shape.lines[n];
            int c = offset + shape.lines[n + 1];
            int d = offset + shape.lines[n + 1] + vertsInShape;
            triIndices[ti] = c; ti++;
            triIndices[ti] = a; ti++;
            triIndices[ti] = b; ti++;
            triIndices[ti] = a; ti++;
            triIndices[ti] = c; ti++;
            triIndices[ti] = d; ti++;

      Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); = "CurvedMesh";
      mesh.vertices = vertices;
      mesh.triangles = triIndices;
      mesh.normals = normals;
      mesh.uv = uvs;
      filter.sharedMesh = mesh;

Tryed several things, and I think it has a problem with me also moving the curve corners (the grey and blue circles in the video. they are also gameobjects.). If I leave them unparented and don’t move them the mesh wont displace (when moving. rotating makes crazy things with the mesh that way). Any ideas how to fix this?

Just remembered, that there is a ‘localPosition’ property on transform (normally I never use that for anything). Now the moving part is working.
But rotating still messes up the mesh:

I feel like more code will be needed (this is called before SetMesh():

private void SetCorners() {
   if (shapeOK) {
      corners = new Vector3[] { start.localPosition, corner1.localPosition, corner2.localPosition, end.localPosition };
      cornersOK = true;
private void SetCurve() {
   if (cornersOK) {
      float step = 1.0f / segments;
      curve = new BezierCurve.OrientedPoint[segments + 1];
      for (int i = 0; i < segments + 1; i++) {
         Vector3 pos = BezierCurve.CurvePoint(corners, step * i);
         Quaternion rot = BezierCurve.CurveOrientation3D(corners, step * i, transform.up);
         curve[i] = new BezierCurve.OrientedPoint(pos, rot);
      curveOK = true;

If you send me the full script i’ll take a look at it.