Question about lightmap in Maya

Hey guys, I am lightmapping a scene in Maya and it works great, but I am running into a problem when I try to bake the lightmap with a bump map in Maya… It looks great on the maya render, but when its baked, it looks speckled… I can go without using the bumpmap render, but it would be really cool if I could get this working :smile:… Any help is appreciated!

IMG1 = Lightmap without bump rendered into it in Unity
IMG2 = Lightmap rendered in Maya w/ Bump
IMG3 = Lightmap with bump in Unity


Is the bumpmap the traditional bumpmap (grayscale), or a normal map (blue-ish texture)?

If it’s a traditional bumpmap, you have to generate proper normal map in import settings of the texture.

Its a greyscale in Maya… I did not include a bumpmap ont he Unity side… I was trying to make the scene without any lights. I need to make a normal map of the bricks using the Lightmap then?

Ok I got it… thanks for the help!