Question about string interpolation to static engine API

When (if ever) is this supported? What must I do to make it supported?

Long story short, I noticed that Shader.PropertyToID is marked threadsafe and is static. So I tried to give it a FixedString64Bytes by passing in $"{myFixedString}". This produced the following error:

structs with characters that do not have the 'CharSet=CharSet.Unicode' StructLayout are not supported for external-function functions

Interestingly, the error says nothing about string being managed, which makes me think that this is close to being possible.

For kicks I tried wrapping FixedString64Bytes inside a struct with the specified attribute, but that produced the same error.

@DreamingImLatios that error looks like a red herring; Burst doesn’t actually support calling extern methods that have string parameters.

It would be theoretically possible, though, for the relevant team to add a Burst-compatible Shader.PropertyToID overload, such as has been done for ProfilerUnsafeUtility.CreateMarker for example. It needs to be done on a case-by-case basis. If that’s something you’re interested in for Shader.PropertyToID, you could reach out on the graphics forum to make that feature request.

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