Reduce resolution of faces along a branch

Hi all,

Is it possible to have three version of a leaf cutout (High, med and low) and have the leaf resolutions change along the length of a selected branch with all of this controlled by a curve?

For instance, I select the branch along which I need to define the resolutions and then adjust the curves so where ever the y axis is 1, we get high resolution and where we have .5, we have mid and where we have 0, we have low.

The reason I’m asking for all this is so I can reduce the resolution of the leaves when they are closer to the start of the branch and higher resolution as they we get closer to the tip of said branch.


Hi @timothyroysimon,

Yes, you can do this on Leaf generators with the Skin->Resolution->Mesh LOD Offset. For example, in the below picture I’ve set the Mesh LOD Offset to 1 (which sets all the the leaves to the medium resolution), then used the curve to taper the from high to medium relative to the Large Twigs generator:

Please note that this is only available for Leaves, not Batched Leaves.

I hope this helps!

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Oh, so these are a property of the branch mesh rather than the leaves themselves! I’ll check this out. Thanks!