[Released] GIS Terrain Loader

Powerful GIS Tools for Unity Engine

GIS Terrain Loader is Runtime-Editor plugin that gives you the ability to import geographic data directly into Unity Engine, designed to load not only Real World Terrains data but also any supported customized terrain data exported from any GIS applications or external terrain generators (GlobalMapper, QGIS ,WorldMachin, ArcGIS ,SAS.Planet…etc).

GIS Terrain Loader create terrains basing on loading (Raster-Vector-DEM) data that makes importing and modifying large quantities of data fast and easy.

With GIS Terrain Loader you can:

  • Import Digital Terrain Model (DTM) data to create accurate Landscapes.

  • Import GIS vector lines to create 3D objects like a roads, buildings, trees and more…

  • Import Raster (Textures) data to add texture to Unity terrains.

GIS Terrain Loader Support :

. DEM Data : {"

*.Flt : Floating Point Raster File,

*.Ter : Terragen File,

*.Tif (16-32bit) + Tilled Tiff : GeoTiff Files,

*.Asc : Arc ASCII Grid format,

*.Raw : Unity Heightmap data,

*.Png Grayscale : Grayscale Pixel File ,

*.Las : Lidar Point Cloud Format ,

*.Hgt : Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Data,

*.Bil : Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) Image File,

*. Bin : Binary Float point "} .

. Raster Data : { " *.jpg, *.Png " } .

. Vector Data : { " *.Osm : OpenStreetMap Informations , *.Shp : ESRI Geometry data " } .

*** FEATURES ***

. Generate Unity Terrains.

. Read real world elevation from DEM files ;

. Terrain Dimensions mode can bet set to “Manual” or “Auto” (to automatically read real terrain dimensions width-length);

. No more scaling problem, you can set your vector scale and make your terrain as large/small as you want;

. Setting Terrain parameters (Heightmap resolution, detail resolution …) is easy and fast directly from “Terrain preferences” GUI Tab;

. Texturing terrain with any supported raster data.

. “Splat mapping mode” will applying textures to terrain depending on customizable height/Slope.

. Customize terrain material for HDRP uses.

. Split Terrain to tiles depending manually or according to the number of raster tiles existing in the texture folder.

. GTL is able to smooth terrain with unwanted jaggies, terraces, banding and non-smoothed terrain heights and surfaces;

. GTL Is also able to generate 3D Tree, buildings, Grass and Roads by LineRender/EasyRoad3D basing on vector data (ShapeFile or OSM);

. Convert LIDAR Point Cloud (*.Las) files to high-resolution (“Tiff 32 bit”) via Pdal pipeline in order to generate high quality unity terrains.

. Re-project files to geographic coordinate system.


  • Ability to load terrain from StreamingAsset folder or from any location in the hard disk.

  • Get and Set Geographic coordinates and elevation (m) of any object/position on the terrain.

  • 3D Camera included;

  • Runtime Demo Scene Included with customized UI Interface.

  • Suppport different projections (Geographic Lat-Lon (Decimal, Deg min sec) / UTM (Meter, MGRUTM) /Lambert.

*** SUPPORT ***

  • Full source code included ;

  • Compatible with Unity’s terrain system;

  • Easy to use with video & documentation;

  • Works with unity 2018,2019,2020;

  • Active support through emails and forum posts.

API Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x

Download GIS Terrain Loader from the asset store

Download Data Examples


Current version v2.3

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Can the loaded terrain be edit by Unity’s Terrain Tools?

Hi July

Yes, Once terrain is generated it can be edited by Unity, this tools work with new terrain system.

For more Info please watch the video tutorial .


I purchased!

It seems can’t run in 2019.2.

So I watched your video and run in 2018.3, but I got problems.

I can’t generate terrain like video with your asset and my own.

The terrain seems to be very large, I can’t see them all.

Do you have tutorial documents? I want to know how to set the parameters

I got Terrain Dimentions like this with your desert asset

we will soon update the asset to work with unity 2019.
we are testing the asset on the same unity version that you are using we hope fixing that soon .

Probleme solved please read your inbox.

GIS Terrain Loader Updated to v1.2 :

  • Added support for Unity 2019.1 and Unity 2019.2
  • Fixing some bugs happening with Unity 2018.3.
  • Editor GUI improved.
  • New : Added the ability to smooth Terrain surface and Terrain Heighs
    this option used on hight heightmap resolutions .

when can I get this updated package? The ability to smooth Terrain is useful!

Package is on reviewing by unity asset store.

Yes ,if you try to load terrain with heightmap resolution > loaded file resolution you will have result as its shown on the first picture (top/ left)
using smoothe operation help to have clean terrain surface without box shape appearing.

GIS Terrain Loader Updated to v1.3

  • Added support for OSM Vector Data (Tree + Grass).

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Hi, i am interested in purchasing, however, its hard to tell if it does some features that i’m wanting so maybe you could answer before I buy.

So just to clarify, does the current asset (on the asset store) do the following?

Load terrain elevation and textures at runtime?

Is it 1 texture per terrain or 4?

Can you also elaborate on the OSM vector data for trees.

Lastly can you advise on any alternative software from Global Mapper than can export FLT and imagery that isn’t $549!


Hi there

This asset work on editor and at runtime.

At runtime you can load terrains and textures from your hard disk.

By using globalmapper you will be able to split your large texture into small tiles (4x4 - 5×8 16x16…etc).

GIS terrain Loader detect the number of tiles in texture folder and split your large terrain in to small unity terrain.

By exporting OSM data file and past it into VectorData folder GIS Terrain Loader will be able to generate Grass and trees, (we are working to add this option to runtime ).

You can use any prefab for grass and trees, Package already contain some prefabs.

This asset designed to use any software able to export texture and DTM files as FLT format.
Globalmapper is the best to use this asset.
But we can add support for other extensions like ASCII or RAW files if we are in need of that.


My big

Thank you, I think this is great and a near perfect solution for my project. My only is issue managing to actually get a hold of the imagery and elevation data in a organised format without having to buy software for £500+. You see I want my users to be able to add their own terrains to my project, so not everyone (including me) will want to spend £500+ on gloabalmapper. Is there any other solution, I have tried looking for other softwares that export FLT and there doesnt seem to be many?

Plus, if different user acquire data from different softwares how is it organised when loaded into your asset. As in, how does the GIS Terrain Loader know the location of the data?


Hi againe

Please watch tutorial videos to understand how this asset works.

GIS terrain Loader is an integration offline tools so he could not download data from online sources.
He is developped after many requesting of GloablMapper " saying : how to export terrains from Globalmapper to Unity Engine (Editor and Runtime) "

Globalmapper has a lot of data sources including premium data.

You can use GlobalMapper for 30 days to test how it works.

Thats a good idea may be we will include online sources for GIS Terrain Loader in the future.

Ahh ok, so this asset is suited mainly for globalmapper?

I would purchase your asset if i had globalmapper or other software that could output the FLT files.

I will have to do some more research.


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Let us more time

Let us more time maybe GIS Terrain Loader will support more DTM files like (ASCI,bt,raw…etc).

Ok thank you, look forward to it.

Some users ask if GIS Terrain Loader can load terrains from free GIS software because Globalmapper is expensive.

So we would tell all users that GIS terrain Loader will soon load terrains from QGIS.

QGIS is free software.

New Update v1.4 For GIS Terrain Loader :

  • GIS Terrain Loader can load terrains from (QGIS && SAS.Planet).

  • Added support for Terragen files (“.Ter") and GeoTiff files (".Tif”).

  • OSM Vector loader added to Runtime GIS Terrain Loader.