HI, I purchased the latest version of GIS Terrain Loader. i’m working with QGIS + SAS and followed the tutorial on how to generate the texture file tiles, DEM and preview file. I’m missing the process for generating the terrain in Unity as i dont have an .flt file. if i generate the terrain from the DEM through the Terrain loader it doesnt read the texture tiles…
how do i load into unity?
thanks for purchasing GIS terrain Loader.
To solve your problem you must select texture source (on GIS TL GUI)… from (globalmapper or from SAS.planet).
If you are using QGIS or youd ont have .flt you can use .TIFF as DEM file.
Please check your demo scene and your example files to see how files must be ordred.
We hope this will be helpful, if you find any issues recontact us.
worked thanks!
If you find it useful please rate and review in unity asset store.
You can request at any time for more features.
GIS Terrain Loader Updated to v1.5
Released date : 19-05-2020
Updates :
/////////// DEM Support ////////////////////////
GIS Terrain Loader now support *.Asc DEM ESRI ASCII GRID (any size).
GIS Terrain Loader Also support *.PNG DEM (GrayScale), images can be loaded directly without any resizing.
Added support for *.Raw files.
/////////// Vector Data Support ////////////////////////
GIS Terrain Loader is able to Generate roads via (Simple Unity LineRender or via EasyRoad3D Pro)
Ability to generate roads lable via TextMesh.
/////////// General changes ////////////////////////
Code improved. - Some bugs Fixed .
Tested on Unity 2019.2
I purchased GIS Terrain Loader and I have a few questions :
- Is it possible tu use an other elevation data source than SRTM30 Data ? I work on a SIG project and we have our own LiDAR data that i would like to use rather than SRTM30
- Is it possible to use a different coordinate system ? My SIG project is using EPSG:2154 Lambert93 … do I have to translate all the data in EPSG:4326 WGS84 or is it a way to run GIS Loader with Lambert93 datas ?
- Is there a terrain dimension limit ?
- Is there a resolution limit ?
Thanks for your work
Hi there
Thanks for purchasing GTL
1- for Lidar files please send to me a link of your elevation file we will try to add support for it.
2- let me know which GIS application are you using.
3- actually GTL support Geographic coordinates system maybe we can add support for lambert 93.
4-terrian dimensions limited by the amount of data are you using. Huge terrain consume more memory. To solve that we must add terrain streaming system ( in the future version) .
5- you can use terrain terrain resolution t x4096
GIS Terrain Loader Updated to v1.6
Released date : Jun 15, 2020
Updates :
/////////// DEM Support ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Added support for *.Las Lidar Files.
Convert Las Automatically to Tiff 32 bit in the same folder
Added support for *.Tiff 32-bit float point.
/////////// Support new Geo-referencing system ////////////////////
- GIS Terrain Loader can load DEM Files type of (Las and Tiff) projected in (UTM and Lembert) than re-project them to Geographic(Lat/Lon).
/////////// General changes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- New GUI Style for Editor tools.
- TextureSource Removed and Replaced by auto-Source Detection via Json File contains sources formats located in Resources folder.
- Terrains dimension can now loaded automatically or set manually for all DEM files.
- added ability to set terrain tiles count when TerrainTexture set to WithoutTexture.
- Code improved.
- Some bugs Fixed .
New Into Video :
Lidar To Unity Tutorial
Hi, using your included terrain DEM assets (e.g., Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Resources/GIS Terrains/SAS.Planet/Island/Island.tif) as well as arbitrary DEMs generated in QGIS as Uint16 GeoTiffs (per your great tutorial video), I get the following errors, from a clean install of your package into Unity 2019.3.15, running the Runtime Demo Scene:
Couldn't convert Terrain file:
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.ProjectionReader:LoadJsonData() (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/GISTerrainLoaderGeoRef/GeoRefConversion.cs:406)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.ProjectionReader:.ctor(String, PdalRader) (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/GISTerrainLoaderGeoRef/GeoRefConversion.cs:299)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.GISTerrainLoaderTIFFLoader:LoadTiff(TextureMode, String, GISTerrainLoaderFileData) (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderCommun/GISTerrainLoaderElevationLoader/GISTerrainLoaderTIFFLoader.cs:127)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.<LoadElevationFile>d__41:MoveNext() (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/RuntimeTerrainGenerator.cs:266)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.RuntimeTerrainGenerator:Update() (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/RuntimeTerrainGenerator.cs:110)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.ProjectionReader:LoadJsonData() (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/GISTerrainLoaderGeoRef/GeoRefConversion.cs:408)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.ProjectionReader:.ctor(String, PdalRader) (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/GISTerrainLoaderGeoRef/GeoRefConversion.cs:299)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.GISTerrainLoaderTIFFLoader:LoadTiff(TextureMode, String, GISTerrainLoaderFileData) (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderCommun/GISTerrainLoaderElevationLoader/GISTerrainLoaderTIFFLoader.cs:127)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.<LoadElevationFile>d__41:MoveNext() (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/RuntimeTerrainGenerator.cs:266)
GISTech.GISTerrainLoader.RuntimeTerrainGenerator:Update() (at Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Scripts/GISTerrainLoaderRuntime/RuntimeTerrainGenerator.cs:110)
(and then several more subsequent errors as the GeoTiff loader c# tries to continue).
edit2: the editor script produces precisely the same error (when trying to load the included terrain file Assets/GIS Tech/GIS Terrain Loader/Resources/GIS Terrains/Globalmapper/TIFF/Tiff_Int16Bit/Geographic(LatLon)/TIFF.tif), ruling out the runtime demo question.
Is this problem from:
- using 2019.3
- using the example GeoTiffs
- using the runtime demo on the example tif
- something else I’m missing?
Thanks for rapidly expanding this asset’s input filetypes list recently!
Sorry if that errors happen in unity 2019.3.5.
GTL not tested yet on that version but it works well in unity 2018, 2019.1 and 2019.2 .
Thanks for trying GTL on unity 2019.3.
Please let me test it on that version to know the source of that errors.
Best regards
Hi LoganPark
We tested the asset on Unity 2019.4.15.1f and 2019.3.15 it works well without any issues (generating terrains in editor or runtime).
Please tel me more about your system (windows-OS).
Try to use another unity version if its possible.
Check if unity has permission to read files from external sources.
Can you tell me why the TIF file I loaded can’t display normally
I have some problems with this asset. Lots of errors are still showing. I tried may times but still not working. Help me please!
Sorry if that errors happend, GTL not tested yet Unity 2019.4.
Give me some time to update the asset and fix all errors with your unity that versions.
Issues source :
scripts located on that folder " Scripts\GISTerrainLoaderRuntime\GISTerrainLoaderImageEffects"
1 - Maybe scriptes not working with unity 2019.4
2- it seems that you already have those scripts in your StandaAsset Folder
Quick Solution :
Try to delete effect folders that already in your project
Assets/NatureStarterKit/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scriptes;
or Delete GTL effect scriptes in :
" Scripts\GISTerrainLoaderRuntime\GISTerrainLoaderImageEffects"
i hope this can solve your problem
best regards
I solved it
Where was your issue?
Hi again GTL tested in Unity 2019.4.7, it works without any problem so :
Try to delete effect folders that already in your project
Assets/NatureStarterKit/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scriptes;
or Delete GTL effect scriptes in :
" Scripts\GISTerrainLoaderRuntime\GISTerrainLoaderImageEffects".
GIS Terrain Loader Updated to v1.8
Released date : Sep 02, 2020
Updates :
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// General Updates ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Example GIS Data Removed from the package;
- New asset created contains all examples GIS Data " GIS Terrain Loader Examples" for free download;
- Some Third-Party plugins Removed ;
- Tested in Unity 2019.4.7f1.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// GTL Editor Updates ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Tool-tip + description added ;
- Added Save and Load User Pref;
- Added Icons for Help + Support;
- Alignment of GUI element Fixed.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// GTL Runtime Updates ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- All Runtime Generator parameters assembled and organized in a single script “GISTerrainLoaderRuntimePrefs.cs”;
- New GUI Style for Terrain Preferences;
- Tool-tip + description added ;
- Added Function to convert any Lat/Lon to Unity World Space in GeoRefConvertion.cs;
- Fixed MouseGetLatLon(Vector3 SpacePostion) function.
Sorry, " GIS Terrain Loader Examples " asset is not available yet in the asset store, this is temporarily link for the asset content :
__**File on MEGA
we separate examples to a new asset to reduce the GTL main asset size.
Data must be imported in to : “Assets\GIS Tech\GIS Terrain Loader\Resources\GIS Terrains” Folder.
GIS Terrain Loader Examples asset released
GIS Terrain Loader Data Exemples | Integration | Unity Asset Store