[Released] Immersive VR Mechanic Tools and Interactions

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Intuitive Bolt / Nut / Parts interaction and placement

  • Easily move elements like bolts / nuts toward target hole
  • Customize target-path direction, length and allowed angle to attach
  • Narrow down types of elements that can be attached to target
  • eg. nut goes on bolt
  • eg. engine part can only go to specific slot that’s designed to hold it
  • Put specific parts in slots where they can be further secured with bolts
  • Easily extendable to create more elements supporting this workflow

Tools Interaction to tighten and loose elements (bolts, nuts, etc)

  • Use tools like wrench to tighten and loose bolts already placed in target holes
  • Customize target-path direction, length and allowed angle to attach
  • Track bolt / nut tightening status
  • Fully inserted completion percentage
  • Over/Under tightened
  • Immerse player by applying resistance at various points (eg when getting close to fully tightened, or when over tightening)


  • Control tighten / loosen mode combined with resistance and sounds to give user experience similar to using the tool in real world
  • Allow to specify toque-force to be used in combination with required torque on bolts

VR Framework Independent

  • Designed to integrate easily into your project - independent of VR framework you’re using (Unity VR Toolkit / Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit / Virtual Reality Toolkit / custom)
  • Current implementations for Unity VR Toolkit and Virtual Reality Toolkit (VRTK v4)

Free for first 5 developers (0 left)
Let me know in this thread if you’d like to give it a go. It’d also really help if you’d leave a review afterwards.


Hi @EN_Games , just sent you voucher code, please let me know if you need anything.

1 Like

Any codes left :slight_smile: ?

@SpookyCat sure, one’s on the way now :slight_smile:

I would like to test, if possible

@EstudioVR - great, just PM’d you

@EN_Games @SpookyCat @EstudioVR
Just wondering how are you guys getting on?

Hey ! Awesome project ! Do you have any keys left to test ?

Sure @Somnir , one is on the way!

just bought it recently… and i was a lil bit dissapointed that it didnt work with the standard shaders. Maybe am blind but i can`t recall that i saw you mentioning it being only urp/hdrp.

Now to a few things, along with suggestions.

  1. it is not compatible with standard pipeline, at least not out of the box. Would appreciate a optional Standard Shader version.

  2. Feels smooth and adds some interesting ways to interact with the environment.

3a) Missing a Hammer, actually this is more of a request… Would you mind adding a Hammer along with Nails so that one could actually use planks for example to create barricades for example.

3b) Another Request sort of, a Nail Gun…

Hi @J0linar

Thanks for purchase! Apologies you feel bit disappointed, perhaps I we can address some of that issues.

  1. The asset should be compatible with standard pipeline / surface shader - it adjusts existing shaders based on what you’re running and it should automatically work out what pipeline to use. If you go to Window → Immersive VR Mechanic Tools → Start Screen. You should see Shaders in the bottom, are those set to ‘Surface’?

With that the prefabs should be rendered correctly.

I think you’re right though as the demo scene is not working with standard template. For demo scene asset is using some props like (table / floor / hat etc) from standard HDRP/URP Unity 2019 template. I can see show that could be misleading - apologies that were not my intention. I’ll get it sorted with new version so it doesn’t cause confusion.

In the meantime there’s some info to get you quickly working in documentation page.

It really boils down to running the demo via HDRP template - you can still use the asset with standard pipeline (just not demo).

  1. Thanks that’s great to hear
  2. I’ll look into that, right now assets focuses more around mechanics interactions, more of from a engineer/technician training point of view rather than say builder. Can’t promise anything but I’ll look how feasible adding that would be.
    3a) Sounds like a good idea to go with a hammer / nail logic, same as above I’ll look into that.

Please let me know how you’re getting on with that standard shader. Happy to help if you have some more troubles. And as always if you’re not 100% satisfied - I’m happy to give you full refund.


I’m getting a slew of compiler errors. As an artist, I’m not the best at fixing them. I’m using 2019.4, HDRP as suggested and everything seems up to date. Attached is an image of some of the errors I’m getting. I know they are rather simple, but they are throwing me through a loop.

Hi Nick,

Thanks for posting that here, let’s move from mail to forum in case other people have similar issue.

By default asset will try to integrate with Unity XR Framework, the errors suggest the package may not have been imported. Can you please check if you imported it via package manager?

It should be under Windows → Package Manager (you will need to click ‘Advanced’ and enable ‘Preview Packages’.

Please let me know how you got on.


Nick to answer your other question

'I didn’t see that i had to import the XR toolkit package. Then I didn’t realize it was in preview only. This fixed all but the ‘d3d12: generating mipmaps for array textures is not yet supported.’ Now I just need to get it running with a Vive Cosmos Elite, which doesn’t play well with the XR plugin manager yet. ’

d3d12 - I’m not quite sure why it’d complain about that, there are barely any textures in, just wondering would old closing and opening Unity clear that one?

If Vive Cosmos Elite is not yet supported by Unity XR Toolkit perhaps it’ll work with SteamVR? If it does you’d need to add few classes to make sure SteamVR is supported. There’s a guide on how to do that here

Let me know if you need a hand with that, I’m happy to add that in although it’ll take a few days (potentially over the weekend) to get sorted.

User asked the question:
'Hi Chris!
I purchased your Immersive VR Tools package and am quite happy how solid it works. I’m only stuck at one problem: I have a screw/bolt inserted into a guided snap target and am tightening it with a wrench which rotation progress accumulation is set to both. I can rotate the screw into both directions, but once the screw is fully tightened I can’t untighten her again. Even not when detaching the wrench and trying it again. Did I missed something?’

There seems to be a minor bug where in that case you won’t be able to move the tool to undo bolt / screw. I’ll add the fix to next realease, in the meantime if you have the same issue please add following code on line 131 of RotationTool.cs

        if (absoluteDriverMovedAngle > 0.01f) //That's already in file, just for reference
            if (_previousAddRotationProgressStatus == AddRotationProgressStatus.OverRotatingBreakingPoint
                && RotationProgressAccumulationDirection == RotationProgressAccumulationDirection.Both
                && driverMovedAngle > 0)
                //When rotation is allowed in both directions, at the OverRotatingBreakingPoint movement will stop, this causes
                //issues when user likes to undo progress but initially moves forward even by a marginal angle (which is very easy with XR controllers)
                //if that's the case change previous status to OverRotating as to allow it to move
                _previousAddRotationProgressStatus = AddRotationProgressStatus.OverRotating;

I would Like to Test the system : Do I have any chance left?

Hi @pushpi1987 , sorry we’re past free codes now. You’re welcome to have a look at the demo if that helps


(if you’re not familiar with XR Toolkit navigation it’s Grab and Trigger to teleport where you want to go)

Thanks for the Demo : Really Appreciate your work.

I can’t run your assets

Hi @Jax0rz

Thanks for getting in touch and sorry there are issues running the asset, I’m sure we can sort that out.

It looks like XR Toolkit integration is not installed - this is the default integration for demo - if you don’t intend to use that you can:

  1. Remove the folder /Integrations/XRToolkit
  2. Remove INTEGRATIONS_XRTOOLKIT compilation symbol. Since the project did not compile you’ve not yet seen ‘welcome’ screen that’ll allow you to remove that with check-box. In that case please go to Project Settings → Player → Other Settings → Script Compilation, and remove the symbol from there, then Apply changes.

If you intend to use that implementation then please go to package manager and look for ‘XR Interaction Toolkit’ under ‘Unity Registry’. Since that Unity package is still in pre-release you’ll need to enable via top-right cog icon → Advanced project Settings → Enable Pre-release Packages

Hope that helps, let me know if it’s still giving you some trouble.