Riging a character created from several sprites.

I have created a character in Inkscape it is an alien that is composed of several sprites like the body, eye, eyelid (3 sprites), mouth (several variants) and ears. I do not know how to rig it properly. The tutorial only shows a PSD based character. Is it possible with several PNG files or one SVG?

Well, I am new to unity, but I believe that if you create an object and add each component of the sprite (eye, body, eyelid) as a child object, they will all move and react together. You can even create seperate collision boxes for each item.

Try this tutorial, I think that is were i got it from.

Thanks, but I meant something else. Rigging like in this tutorial:


I also can’t set up a sprite packing tag. The field is always disabled.

you could use gimp(free), export as .psd, rename the fileending manually to psb(at least that was the case a year ago), and import to Unity.

Do I need a plugin for gimp? I do not see option to export to PSD in newest version of gimp.