Hi Viviane,
Here I’m posting the updated code for SegmentImage and the SegmentsUtils, without having dependency on SceneSegmentor.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Sentis;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class SegmentImage : MonoBehaviour
RenderTexture outputTexture;
public int k_LayersPerFrame = 2;
[SerializeField] Texture2D inputImage;
[SerializeField] ModelAsset modelAsset;
Model runtimeModel;
Tensor<float> inputTensor;
Worker worker;
bool m_Started = false;
[SerializeField] RawImage inputDisplay;
void Start()
Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
runtimeModel = ModelLoader.Load(modelAsset);
// runtimeModel = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/model.sentis");
FunctionalGraph processor = new FunctionalGraph();
var input = processor.AddInput(runtimeModel, 0);
// var scaledInput = Functional.Mul(input, Functional.Constant(1/255.0f));
// // // Debug.Log(scaledInput.shape);
Tensor<float> imageMean = new Tensor<float>(new TensorShape(1,3,1,1), new float[] {0.485f, 0.456f, 0.406f});
Tensor<float> imageStd = new Tensor<float>(new TensorShape(1,3,1,1), new float[] {0.229f, 0.224f, 0.225f});
var shiftedInput = Functional.Sub(input, Functional.Constant(imageMean));
var normalizedInput = Functional.Div(shiftedInput, Functional.Constant(imageStd));
var logits = Functional.Forward(runtimeModel, normalizedInput);
// var segmentation = Functional.ArgMax(logits[0], 1);
Model pro_RuntimeModel = processor.Compile(logits);
worker = new Worker(pro_RuntimeModel, BackendType.CPU);
Texture2D resizedImage = new Texture2D(512, 512);
inputDisplay.texture = resizedImage;
Graphics.ConvertTexture(inputImage, resizedImage);
resizedImage = SegmentUtils.ConvertToRGB(resizedImage);
inputTensor = TextureConverter.ToTensor(resizedImage);
Debug.Log("input tensor " + inputTensor.ReadbackAndClone()[0, 0, 0, 0]);
IEnumerator executionSchedule;
private void Update()
if (Keyboard.current.spaceKey.wasPressedThisFrame || m_Started)
private void Segment()
if (!m_Started)
// ExecuteLayerByLayer starts the scheduling of the model
executionSchedule = worker.ScheduleIterable(inputTensor);
m_Started = true;
int it = 0;
while (executionSchedule.MoveNext())
if (++it % k_LayersPerFrame == 0)
var outputTensor = worker.PeekOutput() as Tensor<float>;
var cpuCopyTensor = outputTensor.ReadbackAndClone();
// cpuCopyTensor is a CPU copy of the output tensor. You can access it and modify it
var segmentationMap = new Tensor<float>(new TensorShape(1, 4, cpuCopyTensor.shape[2], cpuCopyTensor.shape[3]));
//Find the argmax of the output tensor in dimension 1
for(int k = 0; k < cpuCopyTensor.shape[2]; k++)
for(int l = 0; l < cpuCopyTensor.shape[3]; l++)
float max = -100;
int maxIndex = 0;
for(int m = 0; m < cpuCopyTensor.shape[1]; m++)
if(cpuCopyTensor[0, m, k, l] > max)
max = cpuCopyTensor[0, m, k, l];
maxIndex = m;
// // if(k == 0 && l > 0 && l < 10)
// // {
// // Debug.Log("Max value: " + max);
// // Debug.Log("Max index: " + maxIndex);
// // }
// if(maxIndex != 0)
// {
// Debug.Log("Max value: " + max);
// Debug.Log("Max index: " + maxIndex);
// }
Color labelColor = SegmentUtils.colors[maxIndex];
segmentationMap[0, 0, k, l] = labelColor.r;
segmentationMap[0, 1, k, l] = labelColor.g;
segmentationMap[0, 2, k, l] = labelColor.b;
segmentationMap[0, 3, k, l] = 1;
// Debug.Log(cpuCopyTensor[0, 0, 0, 0]);
RenderTexture segmentTexture = TextureConverter.ToTexture(segmentationMap);
inputDisplay.texture = segmentTexture;
// Set this flag to false to run the network again
m_Started = false;
private void OnDestroy()
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SegmentUtils : MonoBehaviour
public static Texture2D ConvertToRGB(Texture2D rgbaTexture)
// Check if the texture is null
if (rgbaTexture == null)
Debug.LogError("Input texture is null.");
return null;
// Create a new RGB texture with the same dimensions
Texture2D rgbTexture = new Texture2D(rgbaTexture.width, rgbaTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
// Get the pixel data from the original texture
Color[] rgbaPixels = rgbaTexture.GetPixels();
// Prepare an array for RGB pixels
Color[] rgbPixels = new Color[rgbaPixels.Length];
// Copy RGB values and ignore the alpha channel
for (int i = 0; i < rgbaPixels.Length; i++)
rgbPixels[i] = new Color(rgbaPixels[i].r, rgbaPixels[i].g, rgbaPixels[i].b);
// Apply the new pixel data to the RGB texture
return rgbTexture;
public static readonly Dictionary<int, string> id2label = new Dictionary<int, string>
{0, "wall"},
{1, "building"},
{2, "sky"},
{3, "floor"},
{4, "tree"},
{5, "ceiling"},
{6, "road"},
{7, "bed"},
{8, "windowpane"},
{9, "grass"},
{10, "cabinet"},
{11, "sidewalk"},
{12, "person"},
{13, "earth"},
{14, "door"},
{15, "table"},
{16, "mountain"},
{17, "plant"},
{18, "curtain"},
{19, "chair"},
{20, "car"},
{21, "water"},
{22, "painting"},
{23, "sofa"},
{24, "shelf"},
{25, "house"},
{26, "sea"},
{27, "mirror"},
{28, "rug"},
{29, "field"},
{30, "armchair"},
{31, "seat"},
{32, "fence"},
{33, "desk"},
{34, "rock"},
{35, "wardrobe"},
{36, "lamp"},
{37, "bathtub"},
{38, "railing"},
{39, "cushion"},
{40, "base"},
{41, "box"},
{42, "column"},
{43, "signboard"},
{44, "chest of drawers"},
{45, "counter"},
{46, "sand"},
{47, "sink"},
{48, "skyscraper"},
{49, "fireplace"},
{50, "refrigerator"},
{51, "grandstand"},
{52, "path"},
{53, "stairs"},
{54, "runway"},
{55, "case"},
{56, "pool table"},
{57, "pillow"},
{58, "screen door"},
{59, "stairway"},
{60, "river"},
{61, "bridge"},
{62, "bookcase"},
{63, "blind"},
{64, "coffee table"},
{65, "toilet"},
{66, "flower"},
{67, "book"},
{68, "hill"},
{69, "bench"},
{70, "countertop"},
{71, "stove"},
{72, "palm"},
{73, "kitchen island"},
{74, "computer"},
{75, "swivel chair"},
{76, "boat"},
{77, "bar"},
{78, "arcade machine"},
{79, "hovel"},
{80, "bus"},
{81, "towel"},
{82, "light"},
{83, "truck"},
{84, "tower"},
{85, "chandelier"},
{86, "awning"},
{87, "streetlight"},
{88, "booth"},
{89, "television receiver"},
{90, "airplane"},
{91, "dirt track"},
{92, "apparel"},
{93, "pole"},
{94, "land"},
{95, "bannister"},
{96, "escalator"},
{97, "ottoman"},
{98, "bottle"},
{99, "buffet"},
{100, "poster"},
{101, "stage"},
{102, "van"},
{103, "ship"},
{104, "fountain"},
{105, "conveyer belt"},
{106, "canopy"},
{107, "washer"},
{108, "plaything"},
{109, "swimming pool"},
{110, "stool"},
{111, "barrel"},
{112, "basket"},
{113, "waterfall"},
{114, "tent"},
{115, "bag"},
{116, "minibike"},
{117, "cradle"},
{118, "oven"},
{119, "ball"},
{120, "food"},
{121, "step"},
{122, "tank"},
{123, "trade name"},
{124, "microwave"},
{125, "pot"},
{126, "animal"},
{127, "bicycle"},
{128, "lake"},
{129, "dishwasher"},
{130, "screen"},
{131, "blanket"},
{132, "sculpture"},
{133, "hood"},
{134, "sconce"},
{135, "vase"},
{136, "traffic light"},
{137, "tray"},
{138, "ashcan"},
{139, "fan"},
{140, "pier"},
{141, "crt screen"},
{142, "plate"},
{143, "monitor"},
{144, "bulletin board"},
{145, "shower"},
{146, "radiator"},
{147, "glass"},
{148, "clock"},
{149, "flag"}
public static readonly Color[] colors = new Color[]
new Color(120 / 255f, 120 / 255f, 120 / 255f),
new Color(180 / 255f, 120 / 255f, 120 / 255f),
new Color(6 / 255f, 230 / 255f, 230 / 255f),
new Color(80 / 255f, 50 / 255f, 50 / 255f),
new Color(4 / 255f, 200 / 255f, 3 / 255f),
new Color(120 / 255f, 120 / 255f, 80 / 255f),
new Color(140 / 255f, 140 / 255f, 140 / 255f),
new Color(204 / 255f, 5 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(230 / 255f, 230 / 255f, 230 / 255f),
new Color(4 / 255f, 250 / 255f, 7 / 255f),
new Color(224 / 255f, 5 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(235 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 7 / 255f),
new Color(150 / 255f, 5 / 255f, 61 / 255f),
new Color(120 / 255f, 120 / 255f, 70 / 255f),
new Color(8 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 51 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 6 / 255f, 82 / 255f),
new Color(143 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 140 / 255f),
new Color(204 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 4 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 51 / 255f, 7 / 255f),
new Color(204 / 255f, 70 / 255f, 3 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 102 / 255f, 200 / 255f),
new Color(61 / 255f, 230 / 255f, 250 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 6 / 255f, 51 / 255f),
new Color(11 / 255f, 102 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 7 / 255f, 71 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 9 / 255f, 224 / 255f),
new Color(9 / 255f, 7 / 255f, 230 / 255f),
new Color(220 / 255f, 220 / 255f, 220 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 9 / 255f, 92 / 255f),
new Color(112 / 255f, 9 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(8 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 214 / 255f),
new Color(7 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 224 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 184 / 255f, 6 / 255f),
new Color(10 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 71 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 41 / 255f, 10 / 255f),
new Color(7 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(224 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 8 / 255f),
new Color(102 / 255f, 8 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 61 / 255f, 6 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 194 / 255f, 7 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 122 / 255f, 8 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 20 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 8 / 255f, 41 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 5 / 255f, 153 / 255f),
new Color(6 / 255f, 51 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(235 / 255f, 12 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(160 / 255f, 150 / 255f, 20 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 163 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(140 / 255f, 140 / 255f, 140 / 255f),
new Color(250 / 255f, 10 / 255f, 15 / 255f),
new Color(20 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(31 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 31 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 224 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(153 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 71 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 235 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 173 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(31 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(11 / 255f, 200 / 255f, 200 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 82 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 245 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 61 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 112 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 133 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 163 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 102 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(194 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 143 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(51 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 82 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 41 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 173 / 255f),
new Color(10 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(173 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 153 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 92 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 245 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 102 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 173 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 20 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 184 / 255f, 184 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 31 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 61 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 71 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 204 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 194 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 82 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 10 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 112 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(51 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 194 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 122 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 163 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 153 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 10 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 112 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(143 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(82 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(163 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 235 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(8 / 255f, 184 / 255f, 170 / 255f),
new Color(133 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 92 / 255f),
new Color(184 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 31 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 184 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 214 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 112 / 255f),
new Color(92 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 224 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(112 / 255f, 224 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(70 / 255f, 184 / 255f, 160 / 255f),
new Color(163 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(153 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(71 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 163 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 204 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 143 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 235 / 255f),
new Color(133 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 235 / 255f),
new Color(245 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 122 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 245 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(10 / 255f, 190 / 255f, 212 / 255f),
new Color(214 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 204 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(20 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 153 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 41 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 204 / 255f),
new Color(41 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(41 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(173 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 245 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(71 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(122 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 184 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 92 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(184 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(0 / 255f, 133 / 255f, 255 / 255f),
new Color(255 / 255f, 214 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(25 / 255f, 194 / 255f, 194 / 255f),
new Color(102 / 255f, 255 / 255f, 0 / 255f),
new Color(92 / 255f, 0 / 255f, 255 / 255f)
Sorry for the long code, I couldn’t attach the file.