All I want is a simple 3D simple starter tutorial on creating a FPS. I am not looking for advanced AI, waypoints etc etc just a real simple starter to build on. The official Unity one seems to be in perpetual debug mode and it doesn’t look like a beginners anyway. I’ve followed all the free videos out there but I would really apprecaite someone starting a FPS for me (and others perhaps ?)
Yes, Will’s videos are excellent but now want to start killing things. Coconuts are good weapons, but lets face it, they’re not that effective. I suppose they could be made to explode … hey that’s an idea … bye …
It’s what you’re after, simple and basic from the ground up with all the elements you’re after. The demo team guys are on it and it’s worth a look (and it’s not clear from your post whether you’ve done that or just feel like baggin’ on it without taking a peek ).
You won’t get everything done for you, though. Have some courage and dedicate some time to read all Will Goldstone’s tutorials, 2D and 3D platformer tutorials, and finally, the FPS Tutorial.
For clarification: I’d already downloaded the Unity FPS tutorial and I could see that it is going to be very useful indeed. I am also aware that there are a few problems remaining and that the updated pdf files are not yet available. I want to download the whole lot when its completely finished and 100% working.
As to my request for a simple starter FPS, it was a cheeky appeal to one of the generous forum members who contribute videos
I’m all behind you on this one - personally i prefer watch video tuts about a subject vs. reading about it - it’s not that i’m lazy i just feel that i learn faster this way.
Request: a video tut of the 3DPlatformProject would really be nice cough Will Goldstone cough
For additional resources you definitely ought to give a second peek at Will’s 5 Lesson 27 part, nearly 4 hours video series on creating a FPS (albeit 'Family Friendly). (Though IMHO the navigation to the various lessons from each other is butt awful). It goes into scoring, unlocking doors, just no roving enemies to blast. But when combined with the recently updated FPS from the Demo team (That admittedly has a few places that you’re likely to go off the rails), you should be able to replace Wills coconuts with rockets and really wreak some havoc.
Also, if you haven’t read thoroughly through this thread: I highly recommend it. On page 4 you will find a project file for a simple FPS with a kickass working machine gun. Twiik also gives links to each playable stage of his ‘learning’ project. This thread should be required reading for all FPS wannabes.
Thanks for that link, I’d looked at the first page or two a few weeks ago but never pursuded the thread. The example project is excellent and just what I was looking for.
Thanks for pointing it out
EDIT: Looking at Twiiks scripts, I noted that machinegun is in C# but the others are in JS. Can I assume you can use C# and JS scripts in the same game ?
Being able to script a game in more than one language is amazing !
There is, however, a thread about some complication where one script calls another or something like that … I did’t read the whole thing but what you have comfirmed is great.
I love this software. I did’t initially but now I do.
What I found difficult was the concept of not seeing the game code as one program rather than scripts attached to objects etc.