Hello, Unity Community!

SurvivalEngine is a package wich will help you build survival game(s) with tutorials included in the asset. It will also include video-tutorials in the future as I will make them on my YouTube channel.

Main Features:
• Example scenes included in the project
• Highly in-depth commented C# scripts
• Easy-to-edit scripts with the high-quality comments and tutorials
• Example prefabs wich comes with the asset
Coldness, Hunger & Stamina systems built-in
• Different player states depending on the preferences
• Custom movement and mouse look scripts included
• Example animations supporting Legacy
• Tree Cutting and equipping logs
• Crafting system seperated script, also easy to edit and add new stuff
• Built-in Temperature system which affects player attributes like Stamina and Coldness
• Recovering and reducing coldness when close to a firepit

A short video to showcase:

Thank you very much for your time! If you have any ideas regarding this package and feedback, such as what should be added - please let me know! :slight_smile:


Let me know any feedback you’ve got! :slight_smile:

I’m very interested in this! Hope to here more, $10 sounds like a very good price

I’m so glad that I got you interested! :slight_smile:
I am currently working on this project and it’s been a huge process today. There is now a fully-working temperature system which also affects player’s coldness and stamina! I’m also as I said before, working on my own game Cursed Beliefs (linked in the topic) as well, but I am actually focusing on Survival Engine more as I think it’s pretty fun and unique to work with it :slight_smile:

I like the fact that you appreciate the price :slight_smile:

Thank you once more for your kind support!

A couple pictures/screenshots of how the codes are going to look like.

NOTE: Where it says “//Using Switch - case system of Javascript” is a wrong comment and it’s been fixed immidiately to prevent any confusion of customers!

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I’m a beginner programmer in C# so I have a question regarding the first part of the code:

bool Raining = false;

switch (Raining){}

But you just declared Raining as false, doesn’t it always go in the false case?

It was declared in a custom-made method (void Temperature). If it was defined like that in void Update, then it would update itself to be false every single frame, as void Update is each frame of the game. I could’ve also made it as a variable in the class itself to make it be false on start, or even put it on void Start method to make it false only when it starts. :slight_smile:

New comments has been added to make it even more high-quality and worth the money :slight_smile:

Any suggestions for features? :slight_smile:

Not really a suggestion, just wondering about loot spawns, and the inventory system! Not sure if you even got into that much yet, but what are your plans if you haven’t?

Also, I’m curious about the AI will you add any to this engine?

I am currently done with everything that’s planned to be in this Engine except for the Inventory part! :slight_smile: I am working really hard on making a great and unique inventory system. Looting is kinda easy to do. I do not plan to have any specific AI in this but I could make a random loot spawning such as random logs spawning, coins spawning etc at specific locations on your game-map. Thank you for your advice :slight_smile:

Right now, I am making the inventory system to something really similar to the one used in “The Forest”, a survival game made in Unity ( you can find it on google, its kinda famous ). Basically, the inventory will have 3D models inside of it. Those will be enabled and disabled depending on if player has or does not have the items. Also I am working on making a crafting system, which is hard to launch because if it is going to be a built-in crafting system, it’ll be really hard for customers to add crafting items. I may release the asset without crafting system and make crafting as an extension which comes free for SurvivalEngine users.

Once again, thank you very much :slight_smile:

That sounds good. I’m familiar with The Forest, very fun game, and i do like their inventory system. I wouldn’t mind waiting for the crafting system, I could only imagine the work that goes into making one. Most crafting systems go pretty in depth, so it is completely understandable if it’s not ready when the rest of the parts for the engine are. Can’t wait to get my hands on this, I have an idea, and been working on a survival type game for a while now. I think i could really benefit from this engine. Are you still planning on putting this on the asset store around the end of the month? ( without the Crafting system)

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Hey! I really appreciate your kind words about this asset and your amazing feedback to me as a developer :slight_smile: Yes, crafting system is easily said the hardest part of this if I gotta be honest.

If you’re making a survival game as you stated, this asset is perfect for you in my opinion! And yes, I am sure it will be done and up on Asset Store at the end of this month, maybe a couple days earlier or later. But nothing like next month! :slight_smile:

Crafting will come later to the package as an extension for free for those of you who’ve bought this asset. Thank you for all your feedback! :slight_smile: The asset itself is for sure going to be released at the end of this month somewhere, but the extension / plugin has no specific release date yet.

Pre-ordering the asset will be available in a while, where you’ll get 25% off for pre-ordering!

SurvivalEngine is about to get released! Tomorrow I’ll hopefully publish it to the asset store and wait for approvement from Unity Staff :slight_smile:
Until it gets accepted, I’ll accept pre-orders which means that you will get a 25% OFF! Don’t mind about mailing me on or even sending me PM here on the forum to pre-order the asset. And by pre-ordering, you get access to the asset a few days earlier than people who will purchase it via Asset Store :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to get a copy! Good work.

Looks nice! But I can already tell there are going to be tons of rip-off games made with this by little kids who think making a game will be that easy. Then there will be great games made with it by people who are just looking for a little kick start to their project. I am also pretty interested in this and will be following progress.

Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope you enjoy the asset! :slight_smile:

Thank you alot!
I hope that people will be able to use this asset, no matter age, to learn the most basic stuff about Survival games. I’d be honored if people even just buys the asset and make games with it :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for the nice feedback and comment, and I am so glad you got interested!

Very nice code, easy to modify, i could find it useful for some alpha buildup. Looking forward to updates.